Consider how clothes were given to the prisoners. The Nazis treated Jews as an ethnic group, and claimed that even a Jew who converted to Christianity was still a Jew the religion was just a signifier of the race. 3. Artie feels like he could have done more to save Richieu and is consumed by grief and guilt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Art never meets his brother Richieu, who was born before the war. How does this benefit Vladek? Why is Art Spiegelman unsure of how to draw her? Asked by fabi #307777. How does he survive that ordeal? "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." What really happened? answer choices. The Nazis appoint prisoners to positions of supervisory power not only to ensure that prisoners feel outnumbered and surrounded by guards at all times, but because they need to sow conflict and animosity between prisoners to ensure the success of their operation. On page 136, we learn that Art Spiegelman worked on Mausand Maus 2for 14 years: (1978-1991). (hint: see page 131).7.Anja has her fortune told by a Gypsy moth. Answers: 1. . Hint: how does he "pay" for the assistance of others?)12. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Richieu is killed by poison. The serial numbers, which are used in the bureaucracy of the camp to replace prisoners names, further undermine the prisoners humanity, reducing their existence to a number and erasing family history and connections. Richieu travels with Anja's sister, Tosha; Tosha's daughter, Bibbi; and Vladek's niece, Lonia. Vladek takes a significant risk in presenting himself as an experienced tinsmith. Artie wants to do right by his father in this situation, but Vladek demands significant sacrifices from both his son and daughter-in-law. Vladek hoards and doesn't want things to become scarce The karps are also Auschwitz survivors. Malas abandonment comes as a surprise to both Vladek and Artie, but given the unhappiness of their marriage, it seems her thinning patience should have been obvious. The next day, while other prisoners are made to clean the barrack, the kapo takes. It is difficult to hold oneself to high moral standards, or to reason clearly, when the threat of death is so immediate. ( T / F ) Art Spiegelman did not want to adapt Maus into a movie or television special.3. Asked by fabi #307777. Donec aliquet. When Artie visits his father to hear the last of his story, Vladek is very ill. Why does legree keep cassy on his place? Donec aliquet, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses. What is Spiegelman reminding us about? What is Vladek's second job as a tin man? 2. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. The graphic novel Maus by Art Speigelman displays an increasingly tense relationship between him and his father, Vladek. In arguing that she should be a mouse as long as Artie is, Franoise argues for an idea of identity as something that can be shared and adopted. What do you think really happened to the other valuables which Vladek and Anja left with Richieu's Polish governess, Janina?9. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in, The Holocaust and the Responsibility of its Survivors. Step-by-step explanation Artie is incredibly protective of Richieu and is deeply saddened by his death. How do you respond to pibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. How does Artie feel about Richieu? List three reasons why Anja would not approve of these books. Why does that experience give her hope?8. Francoise says, "I'll bet you that Anja's notebooks were written on both sides of the page (89). At the funeral, Vladek climbs onto the coffin, wailing. Donec aliquet. Why did Francoise convert to judaism? Given the choice, would you prefer to have the treasure Artie gets, or those other valuables that "the Nazi's grabbed away"?10. What happened to Richieu in Chapter 5? Why is this story important enough to include in Maus II? Asked by Brittany B #443110. Nadja: Spiegelman's daughter. Richieu did not survive the war. ", Why or why not?4. What does Artie feel guilty about? 1.What is Vladek counting at the beginning of Chapter 3? These items are priceless, yet Vladek wants to keep the cigar box where he has been storing them. Vladek makes a huge fuss about matches and salt, even though they are very inexpensive. Donec aliquet. Compare Francoise to Anja and Mala: (the other two major female characters in Maus). Anja (Anna) Spiegelman Character Analysis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Why do you think Jewish people might have instinctively chosen to leave Poland after the war?5. Because of this, Art's identity is discursive. -List any negative attributes of each of these characters. Last updated by jill d #170087 on 3/13/2013 5:49 PM 4. The tensions between Artie and Vladek are rooted in a shared personal history of love and resentment, and this makes it hard to resolve even minor issues. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. What evidence does Vladek still show from the concentration camps? That neither of them saw what was coming speaks to their mutual lack of sensitivity and interpersonal awareness they both failed to respond to clear signals from Mala. Richieu dies during the war, when his Aunt Tosha poisons him to prevent him from being captured by Nazi soldiers during the evacuation of Zawiercie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. MAUS 2: CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? To make Vladek happy. What nationality is Francoise? After Richieu's death, Vladek and Anja keep a photograph of their first child hanging on the wall of their bedroom, and Art comes to feel a sense of sibling rivalry with his "ghost brother." What happens to Anja and Richieu in Maus? Richieu is just a memory now, and a sad one at that. When the Germans arrive in town to take the Jews to the camps, Tosha commits suicide and poisons Richieu, as well as her own children. ( T / F ) In just nine days, May 16 to May 24, 1944, over 100,000 Hungarian Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.2. Why didn't Vladek and Anja just stay in Poland? Answers 1. What is your reaction to Mala's sudden departure?6. What Does Vladek Think Of The Story When Artie Shares It? Why does this seem so odd to us? How does the priest give Vladek a new sense of hope? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.. On page 121, why does Mala call Artie?3. Why would this seem like perfectly acceptable behavior to Vladek?8. He is on the Jewish Council in a nearby town and wants to take Anja's sister Tosha, her husband Wolfe, and their daughter Bibbi to live with him in nearby Zawiercie, where he has some influence and thinks he can keep them safe. Artie (the author Art Spiegelman) is an artist and writer; the destruction of the diary would be an especially keen loss, a sort of "death of one's soul". On pages 102 and 103 we once again see conflict between Artie and Vladek. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Why is this so important to Vladek? Answers 1 Add Yours Answered by jill d #170087 9 years ago 3/13/2013 11:01 AM Richieu Spiegelman Richieu is Vladek and Anja's first child, born in Poland in 1937. -List the reasons that each of these characters might appeal to Artie. 2. Vladek hoards and doesn't want things to become scarce. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Active Themes Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. 10. Who helps Vladek establish and maintain contact with Anja? Artie feels some sort of rivalry with his ghost brother. Rather than be taken to the gas chamber, Tosha poisons herself and the children under her care, including Richieu. Donec aliquet. He needs to conserve mental and physical energy to survive the harsh conditions, and the nuisance of holding his clothes in place keeps him from having a single moments peace throughout the day. Answered by jill d #170087 7 years ago 5/11/2015 11:10 AM. Considering your answers to the previous question: Would Vladek and Anja be pleased to know that you have learned so much about their lives? When Artie begins to leave, Vladek, confused, calls him by his dead brother's name, Richieu. (12) Compare Francoise to Anja and Mala: (the other two major female characters in Maus). Who is Francoise? Considering what you have read in Mausand Maus 2, why is this such a sad and ironic statement?9. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, onec aliquet. (including. The tension between Artie and Vladek is the most obvious reason for Arties reluctance to take Vladek into his home, or involve himself in Vladeks life in a similarly intense way but his fear of confronting Vladeks mortality also informs his behavior at this moment of transition. Vladek's last line in the book is "I'm tired from talking, Richieu, and it's enough stories for now" Why is this such a great line? For Artie, understanding the Holocaust and understanding his relationship with Vladek are linked projects; he cannot grasp one without the other. A doctor who lives nearby tells Artie that his mother died by suicide. List any negative. This causes a "spooky" sibling rivalry when Artie feels he has failed himself and his parents. For most of his life, Art knows Richieu only as a photograph, a photograph of a cherubic boy with a tragic death that Art, the living son, could never live up to. His stinginess appears sad more than frustrating here, as Vladek denies himself even small pleasures for the sake of frugality. Even the disregard for size during the process of distributing clothes shows the Nazis refusal to differentiate between prisoners. Vladeks trick is manipulative, but it speaks to his lack of confidence in Artie. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Artie understands that his parents reverence for Richieu is a way of coping with his loss, but his memories from childhood also illustrate how that reverence can create tension among those who are living with the memory of the lost loved one. Maus II is dedicated to Richieu and Nadja. Why is it sad? However, Vladeks inflexible and unrealistic expectations impede this effort just as much as Arties self-centeredness and neuroticism do. No, they both died before she was born. L, e vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. What blocks Artie from readily achieving his own goal?2.On page 105 we learn that the war is over; yet Vladek does not immediately gain his freedom. What does it tell us about Vladek? In 1943, Vladek and Anja send him to live under the protection of Uncle Persis, where they think he will be safer. Though she suffers from severe depression and anxiety throughout her life illnesses . From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Struggling with distance learning? Born in Stockholm after the Holocaust, he is the only surviving child of Vladek and Anja Spiegelman. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Why did the Germans use this method? 7. How might it help us to have more sympathy for the old man version of Vladek? Tosha hears that the Nazi cats are in the town and she does not want the 3 children to live through it. Sheik is a title of respect reserved for the patriarch of wealthy families. Why is that portion of Vladek's tape so important to the story as a whole? Do you agree with him?7. How might things have been different if Tosha and the children had survived the war?2. How did Vladek survive the Holocaust? Funny: he always drops his pants. 1.What is Vladek counting at the beginning of Chapter 3? How is their situation different than Vladek's?10. Why is this so important to Vladek? He says he has a heart attack. First, because of Richieu didn't survived from the war, Anja still miss him and she might always talked about him and loved him much more rather than Artie. Why did the Germans use this method?13. List three reasons why Vladek would approve of these books. Did Vladek and Anja ever get to see her during their lifetimes? Next, Vladek is packed into a train cattle car with about 200 other prisoners. -Graham S. The childhood nightmares and macabre fantasies that defined Arties relationship with the Holocaust represent his effort to imagine himself into his parents experience to know the horror of standing in a gas chamber, for instance and so build a connection with them using only his mind. What is Vladek's main concern? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscin. How did Mala and Vladek get back together? A fellow prisoner, who is a Polish priest, tells Vladek about his number. Especially for religious Jews who grow their hair and beards in accordance with traditional laws, this is an assault on their religious identity and cultural customs. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Who would Artie save if he had the choice from the "oven"? Compare Francoise to Anja and Mala: (the other two major female characters in Maus). Uncle tom's cabin chapters 31-36 . His moderation is a sign that Artie has compassion for his fathers situation, and that he sincerely feels sorry that he cannot give Vladek what he wants. -List positive attributes of each of these characters. What does Vladek think the hitch-hiker will do? Why is Vladek so concerned about not wasting food? Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Artie shares the story, what do Vladek's thoughts o the story when Artie shares it? (Hint: what characteristic of the hitch-hiker?) The kapo is both a victim of Nazi abuse and a perpetrator of that same abuse. Why did the Germans process new arrivals to Auschwitz in this manner?12. Why do you think Art surprised to hear about the Jewish police? Though they have just been fighting, Artie is trying to be gentle with his father and turn down his offer in a respectful way. -List any negative attributes of each of these characters. Richieu dies during the war, when his Aunt Tosha poisons him to prevent him from being captured by Nazi soldiers during the evacuation of Zawiercie. How are they similar to Vladek? Similar: stubborn when it comes to money. We also learn that neither Anja nor Vladek lived long enough to see their stories published in book form. Vladek calls and says that he has had a heart attack. How are they similar to Vladek? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is atypical, as Artie tends to be melodramatic and react strongly against Vladek in moments like this. He feels guilty that he was not able to save him and blames himself. Compare Francoise to Anja and Mala: (the other two major female characters in Maus). How does Artie feel about Richieu? Vladek is a successful businessman in Sweden, and Artie is born as a Swedish citizen. Why is it sad? Sad: he only has one shoe that fits. Spending time with Vladek is challenging for Franoise, but her ability to intervene and keep the peace between Artie and Vladek is a testament to the specific intensity of family relationships. List any negative attributes of each of these characters. List three reasons why Anja would approve of these books. They are not permitted to have their own clothes or belongings, and they are even robbed of their hair. But soon after, Zawiercie is liquidated by the Nazis. Artie quotes a line by Samuel Beckett: "Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness. -What does he mean by this? List three reasons why Vladek's number is auspicious. May 1987. Donec aliquet. as the Nazi guards are the ones who dole out death sentences. Who is Francoise? Mandlebaums situation might seem comical in different circumstances, but his poorly fitted clothes and shoes create urgent problems for him in the camp. 62 3099-5574 R. Quintino Bocaiva, 359, Centro - Anpolis/GO . Why didn't the German soldiers put down their weapons and surrender? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Why do we not care about the mosquitos that Artie kills with his can of poison gas? Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Art has never met Richieu, who died in the Holocaust, but Art feels as Richieu continues to compete with him. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Why is Mandelbaum's situation funny? Asked by Trng L #443890. Different: The Karps are nicer than Vladek. List the reasons that each of these characters might appeal to Artie.8. How does Artie feel about Richieu? Do Artie and Francoise have a restful vacation at Vladek's bungalow in the Catskills? Chapter 3: "And Here My Troubles Began". How does Artie feel about Richieu? This made him feel small and weak. Do you think this technique is effective?9. List positive attributes of each of these characters. The crematorium was set on fire and men were blowing it up. She is a mouse because she loves her husband, and has committed to being his partner in all things, including his compulsion to live out and pass on his Jewish heritage. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi, ipiscing elit. Richieu is Vladek and Anja's first child, born in Poland in 1937. Why is this funny? So it made Artie feels that he is not a perfect son for her. This leaves the readers . That October, 1937, Anja gives birth to a son named Richieu. Noticing that there are only seven months between February, when Anja and Vladek were married, and October, when Richieu was born, Artie asks whether Richieu was premature. List three reasons why Anja would approve of these books. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac List any negative attributes of each of these characters. Francoise picks up a friendly hitch-hiker; but Vladek is outraged. How do you respond to these feelings? We were very happy, we had now room where to stand.")7. Why might this be a problem for him in his life?9. 20. Add Yours. (full context) .are only seven months between February, when Anja and Vladek were married, and October, when Richieu was born, Artie asks whether Richieu was premature. Vladek is old tired and very ill. Yes, because the reader can tell when Artie feels down. (page and panel) 5. Vladek tells Artie a story about playing Bingo at The Pines. Chapter 4 ends with Vladek worrying about storm windows. Consider how clothes were given to the prisoners. He is unsure whether Franoise can be a Jew without sharing the culture and history of Jewish-Americans in the intimate, lifelong way he has. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. What is the expected outcome for the offspring? What does her comment tell you about how she views Vladek?8.Where do Vladek's troubles begin? Last updated by jill d #170087 on 3/13/2013 6:01 PM . Why not? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "-What does he mean by this? Though they never talked about him to Artie, Vladek and Anja kept Richieu's photograph in their bedroom throughout Artie's childhood. He has spent months relating painful memories. Why do you think Artie has "shrunk down" to child size? Art provides Richieu's photograph in his dedication to Part II, which is dedicated to Richieu and to Art's children. He senses that Artie would avoid calling him without an urgent reason to do so. What did Vladek fake to get Artie and Francoise to visit him? With a lot of trauma gone by, it has been hard for Vladek to imagine his current struggles. A pink-flowered four-o'clock is crossed to a red-flowered plant. After the session with Pavel, Artie "grows-back" into his normal size. We see our first glimpses of the living nightmare that was Auschwitz. (3) What three things does Artie say have "taken their toll" on his father? Answers: 1. Though they never talked about him to Artie, Vladek and Anja kept Richieu's photograph in their bedroom throughout Artie's childhood. Maus II - How does Artie feel about Richieu? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Teachers and parents! -List positive attributes of each of these characters.
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