Eddy-current loss, however, is different for each frequency passed through the transformer. conductors which are placed on the stator ,field flux cut the armature conductor ,therefore voltage is generated EPSM, embedded phase shift mask
Design of all power equipments also comes under power engineering. The example below illustrates a typical EI spectrum: Ions are shown as vertical lines of differing intensity along an x-axis of mass/charge. XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Click on the different category headings to find out more and change our default settings according to your preference. Its true that if birds touch the single one line (phase or neutral) they dont get electrical shock if birds touch 2 lines than the circuit is closed and they get electrical shock.. so if a human touch single one line(phase) then he doesnt get shock if he is in the air (not touching standing on the ground if he is standing on the ground then touching the line (phase) he will get a shock because the ground on what we standing is like line (ground bed like neutral)? AA, atomic absorption; anti-alias
NBE, neutral beam etching
How does Zener phenomenon differ from Avalanche breakdown? The different types of detectors have both advantages and disadvantages. At the beam splitter, half the IR beam is transmitted to the fixed mirror and the remaining half is reflected to the moving mirror. PBET, Performance-Based Equipment Training
This means that for homo-nuclear diatomic molecules such as Hydrogen (H2), Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2), no infrared absorption is observed, as these molecules have zero dipole moment and stretching of the bonds will not produce one. PRPG, pseudo random pattern generators
Under process wait until is synthesizable. LNA, low noise amplifier
When X-rays of sufficient frequency (energy) interact with a substance, inner shell electrons in the atom are excited to outer empty orbitals, or they may be removed completely, ionizing the atom. Constraint file required for make design as per your requirements, like there is need to take out some signals to particular pins of FPGA eg. JESSI, Joint European Submicron Silicon
CWL, wordline capacitance per cell
Very often these factors are poorly understood. ICCG, incomplete conjugate gradient
CE, capillary electrophoresis
CSA, CIM systems architecture
FPGA Prototyping is a new process and users may have various questions in their mind like. EPL, electron projection lithography
M, million
DFT : Design for Testability. Two important concepts for high-resolution solid-state NMR spectroscopy are the limitation of possible molecular orientation by sample orientation, and the reduction of anisotropic nuclear magnetic interactions by sample spinning. 58. What are the advantages of star-delta starter with induction motor? LVS, layout verification of schematic
LUW, logical unit of work
ELU, environmental loan unit
Ge, germanium
a. 540/11000= I2/2334 The only logic difference between any tw, 5 devices is the number of segments. Most of the larger molecules are asymmetric tops, even when they have a high degree of symmetry. CARC, critical aspect ratio collapse
MemBIST, to be filled in
This is known as integrationa mathematical process which calculates the area under a graph (essentially what a spectrum is). terrain map; Demonstration Test Method
81. kV, kilovolt
Magnetic Sectors are the traditional means of separating ions of different masses using the principle that when a beam of ions passes through a magnetic field they are deflected through an arc whose radius is related to the ratio of mass to charge. FT, final test; Fourier transform
The number, positions, and intensities of the dips (also called peaks) provide information about the chemical environment of the absorbing nuclei and can be used to characterize the sample. U/S, ultrasonic
Calculate the voltage drop which will max 3% (resistance and reactance of cable found from The detector in single-detector instruments is a photodiode, phototube, or photomultiplier tube (PMT). PRB, pseudo-random binary
Explain CLBs and LUTs of FPGA ? LTI, laser thermal implantation
QDR, quick dump rinse
TSI, top surface imaging
High: Over 4.5 mU/L. SGMM, Semiconductor Generic Manufacturing Model
TSIA, Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association
WIS, water-induced shift
What are Motor Generator Sets and explain the different ways the motor generator set can be used ? Plant cost for AC transmission (circuit breakers, transformers etc) is much lower than the equivalent DC transmission 17. 116. Resolution:It reduces the harmonics and it also reduces sparking and arching across the mechanical switch so that it reduces the voltage spike seen in a inductive load. The inner shell hole will then be filled by electrons from outer orbitals. To minimize the current unbalance in the primary we use delta winding in the primary. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. R/W, read/write
ATG, automatic test generation
All mass spectrometers require the sample compound to be ionised and those ions to be transferred into the gas phase for analysis; this may be a simultaneous process or a distinct series of events. 127. Due to changes in the relative position of the moving mirror to the fixed mirror, an interference pattern is generated. T -number of turns 193. AEM, analytical electron microscopy
IPP, inplane distortion
SOG, spin-on glass
PAE, power added efficiency
Several variations of Raman spectroscopy have been developed. NF, noise figure
MSS, modify system state
HMDS, hexamethyldisilizane
It is necessary to know how quickly the absorbance changes with concentration. DTL, diode transistor logic
programmer's interface
online ups having high volt and amp for long time backup with with high dc voltage.but ups start with v dc with 7 amp. HAC, high aspect contact
This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. Similarly, a spin 3/2 nucleus splits a signal into a 1:1:1:1 quartet and so on. This armature flux can oppose the main flux or it may support the main flux for better running condition. TCU, temperature control unit
means according to ups VA it gives backup. Note again that the lines in this spectrum are first derivatives of absorptions. GEMVS, GEM verification system
FQA, fixed quality area
For example, the 4 H sites of 1,2-dichlorobenzene divide into two chemically equivalent pairs by symmetry, but an individual member of one of the pairs has different couplings to the spins making up the other pair. RPC, remote procedure call
CNC, computer numerical control; condensation nucleus counter; condensed nucleus
WTW, wafer-to wafer
Shop 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 vehicles for sale at Cars.com. An advantage of the REM PI technique is that the ions can be detected with almost complete efficiency and even time resolved for their mass. and p.t. ECC, error control coding
SCCS, source code control system
IEC, infused emitter coupling
atm, atmosphere
The Nortons theorem explains the fact that there are two terminals and they are as follows: 164. The selection rules associated with a two-photon or other multi-photon photo absorption are different from the selection rules for a single photon transition. Resolution:Isolators are mainly for switching purpose under normal conditions but they cannot operate in fault conditions .Actually they used for isolating the CBs for maintenance. There are two types of losses occurring in transformer: 176. step up an unregulated dc input voltage to produce a regulated dc output voltage using a circuit known as Boost Converter or Step-Up SMPS. It is an inverse definite minimum time relay.In IDMT relay its operating is inversely proportional and also a characteristic of minimum time after which this relay operates.It is inverse in the sense ,the tripping time will decrease as the magnitude of fault current increase. WIW, within-wafer
Explain different types of D.C motors? 64. D/B, die bonding
Desired results are obtained by either trimming the layer thickness or by cutting helical grooves of suitable pitch along its length. mp, melting point
For example, a Nal detector may have a FWHM of 9.15 keV at 122 keV, and 82.75 keV at 662 keV. CFU, colony forming unit
EL, experience level; exposure latitude
Vbco, see BVcbo
RAM, random access memory; reliability, availability, and maintainability
Advantages of vvvf drives over non vvvf drives for EOT cranes? TCP, transformer-coupled plasma; tape carrier package; transport control protocol
The polarization of the Raman scattered light with respect to the crystal and the polarization of the laser light can be used to find the orientation of the crystal, it the crystal structure (specifically, its point group) is known. QSR, quality system review
WAN, wide area network
TOA, take-off angle
IDDQ, direct drain quiescent current; quiescent supply current
ARRC, advanced R2R control
A Germanium detector might give resolution of 560 eV at 122 keV, a relative resolution of 0.46%. 5 devices is the number of segments. Soft Processor Core Full FPGA can be used for logic. SEP, software engineering process; spin etch planarization
Following motors are used: . 144. GSPID, gain-scheduled proportional integro-differential
FBGA, fine pitch ball grid array
In Xilinx CLB has two slices which is Slice-L and Slice-M. Function generators (LUTs) in Slice-M can be implemented as a synchronous RAM called distributed RAM. This idea is put to use in time-of-flight instruments. CUSUM, cumulative sum
Advantages of VSCF wind electrical system are: 137. It is a complex summation of superimposed sinusoidal waves, each wave corresponding to a single frequency. BDS, Brownian Dynamics Simulation; beam delivery system
Nonlinear two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy is a technique that has come available with the development of femtosecond infrared laser pulses. SMG, screen management guide
16. SIMO , single input, multi-output
Thank you. TDMS, thermal desorption mass spectrometry
BED, boron enhanced diffusion
SFSR, site flatness
MCBI, mean cycles between interrupts
In this experiment first a set of pump pulses are applied to the sample. AGC, automatic gain control
MMOS, modified MOS
The separation of the various ions allows the allocation of the number of charges by application of a suitable algorithm; hence the numbers in this case show ions of +10 to +21; this in turn [assuming that the ions are formed by association with H+] allows the calculation of the true molecular mass of the protein. DLTS, deep level transient spectroscopy
AA spectrometers use monochromators and detectors for UV and visible light. MED , modeling for equipment design
This is used to investigate the structure, polarity, and dynamics of radical microenvironments in spin-modified organic and biological systems through the spin label and probe method. SETEC, Semiconductor Equipment Technology Center
Ig, gate current
Atoms identities are determined by their mass-to-charge ratio (via the mass analyzer) and their concentrations are determined by the number of ion detected. CVCM, collected volatile condensable materials
The result is amplification of the Raman signal (by up to 1011). This makes the observations of chemical reactions and processes quicker and more accurate. SANS, angle neutron scattering
CNS, central nervous system
Wave number can be related to the frequency by using the following equations: The units for wavenumber are cm-1, therefore, wavelength should be converted to cm rather than metres for this calculation and wavelength is related to frequency as: Fourier transform spectrometers have recently replaced dispersive instruments for most applications due to their superior speed and sensitivity. [2006]258
LPR, laser plasma reflectometer
134. RMS, root mean square; Recipe Management Standard; reticle management system
IEICE, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
EFEM, equipment front end module; embedded controllers, front-end module
S21, forward transmission gain with output terminated in a matched load (one
Portable spectrometers have been developed that use optical fibers to deliver light to and from a sample. MFS, modified fused silica
OSS, Object Services Standard
CQN, closed-queuing network
Flame AA uses a slot type burner to increase the path length, and, therefore, to increase the total absorbance (Beer-Lambert law). AQTX, aquatic toxicity
This is especially significant for chemical systems with transition-metal ions. The background must then be subtracted from the actual measurement. CUB, central utility building
The UV-Vis spectral range is approximately 190 to 900 nm, as defined by the working range of typical commercial UV-Vis spectrophotometers. How can it be improved? BW, bandwidth
This will mean that highly trained experts (also called noses) can be used more sparingly, at a significant cost saving. Detector efficiency is measured by taking a spectrum from a source of known activity, and comparing the count rates in each peak to the count rates expected from the known intensities of each gamma-ray. Do the syntax check; Dont optimize the code; Dont synthesize the code means non-synthesizable construct can MBIST check following faults in memories. O, oxygen
Today, HTP is enjoying its second generation of family leadership and is a full-fledged manufacturer on the cutting edge of energy-efficient space and water heating technology. 39. (f) Saturation of paramagnetic centres occurs at a comparatively low microwave polarizing field B1, due to the exponential dependence of the number of excited spins on the radiation frequency V. This effect can be successfully used to study the relaxation and dynamics of paramagnetic centres as well as of super slow motion in the systems under study. Reabsorption happens because another molecule or part of a macromolecule absorbs at the wavelengths at which the fluorophore emits radiation. A backscatter peak at the low energy end of the Compton distribution, iii. ULA, uncommitted logic array
Forensic Testing drugs, explosives, etc. APCFI, Advanced Process Control Framework Initiative
The spectra look rather different, and are instantly recognizable. All I read was the ITU-T documents on SyncE and those provide no idea of (if pf is poor ex: 0.17 to meet actual power load has to draw DoD, Department of Defense
By using lead absorbers around the apparatus, one can reduce the background. AHF, anhydrous hydrogen fluoride
it allows the ac ISDN, integrated services digital network
but inverter is start with 2v,24,dc to 36v dc and 20amp to 80amp battery with long time backup. , Then rotor poles are excited due to which the rotor field is locked with the stator-revolving field and continuous rotation is obtained. MD, molecular dynamics
PCC, power connectivity cost
In most spectra, the horizontal position of the peak is determined by the gamma-rays energy, and the area of the peak is determined by the intensity of the gamma-ray and the efficiency of the detector. This synchronous drive allows for the formation of spindle-ripple events where sharp wave-ripples and associated reactivated memory information becomes nested into succeeding troughs of a spindle (shown at larger scale). If this is the case, some or all of the photons emitted by the fluorophore may be absorbed again. What is derating?, why it is necessary, it is same for all means for drives, motors,and cables. ODP, ozone depletion potential
SIDP, sputter ion depth profiling
I thing its good one 4 me thanks, Your email address will not be published. Suppose if your present levo dosage is not bringing down TSH to desired level, will you up or lower dosage without Docs prescription provided you're Press J to jump to the feed. OES, optical emission spectroscopy
18. This is especially useful for small Ge(Li) detectors. LDPE, low density polyethylene
ATR, attenuated total reflectance
ESIA, European Semiconductor Industry Association
keff, effective dielectric constant
Reduced frequency of hippocampal theta and reduced synchronization between hippocampus and amygdala. The atomic fluorescence is dispersed and detected by monochromators and photomultiplier tubes, similar to atomic-emission spectroscopy instrumentation. CD is measured as a quantity called mean residue ellipticity, whose units are degrees-cm2/dmol. ArF, exposure wavelength
143. GALS, globally asynchronous and locally synchronous GASAD, gate and source and drain Gassoc, associated gain Gb, gigabit GB, gigabyte Gb/s, gigabit per second GC, gas chromatography; gravimetric calibrator GCC, generic cell controller GCD, gas chromatography distillation Gce, transconductance between collector and emitter GCIB, gas cluster ion beam (b) Increase in orientation selectivity and sensitivity in the investigation of disordered systems. DLOC, developed source lines of code
VFDD, via-first dual damascene
SONOS, silicon/oxide/nitride/oxide/silicon
SRPT, shortest remaining processing time
FinFET, fin structure field effect transistor
There are a Transformer and an induction machine. Typically the range of data collected on a commercially available CD instrument will be between 190 nm and 300 nm. RPECVD, rapid plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
SEU, single event upset
ADIG, Application Development Interface Guidelines
TDEV, transport-level deviation
IPT, ideal process time
133. CV/I, intrinsic transistor delay
PAG, photoacid generator; program advisory group
PAL, process automation language; programmable array logic; process asset library
APA, advanced performance algorithm
Based around a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA and a handful of gigabit Ethernet PHY devices, the . "/> mobile accessories wholesale whatsapp group link; azure assign role to user. KBack To Top
SPICE, simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis
109. IC, integrated circuit; Investment Council; ion chromatography
b. Cgate, gate capacitance
PLL, plasma lockload; phase-locked loop
VODM, vapor on demand
If the sample happens to absorb at this frequency, the amplitude or the sinusoidal wave is reduced by an amount proportional to the amount of sample in the beam. The un-modulated stray light and sample emissions (if any) are not detected. LOS, loss of selectivity; line of sight
Amie Syllabus - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. DVER, design rule verification
60. LTV, local thickness variation
Double-pulsed systems are also proving useful in conducting analysis in liquids, as the initial laser pulse forms a cavity bubble in which the second pulse acts on the evaporated material. MTTC, mean time to correct
QFP, quad flat pack
High end commercial UV Vis spectrophotometers extend the measurable spectral range into the NIR region as tar as 3300 nm. Established in 1974 as a designer and fabricator of heat exchangers for the boiler and solar industries. POS, point of supply
iii. Mn, manganese
45. According to thevenins theorem, the current flowing through a load resistance Connected across any two terminals of a linear active bilateral network is the ratio open circuit voltage (i.e. Alicia Garcia Priovolos is a judge-elect of the Miami-Dade County Court in Florida.She assumes office on January 3, 2023. (p.u=actual value/base value). Filters and/or monochromators may be used in fluorimeters. Pu stands for per unit in power system. ALU, arithmetic logic unit
29. MTTCR, mean time to correct and recover
Photons of light are small packets of energy, each with an energy proportional to its frequency; photons of high frequency light have higher energy than those of low frequency light. PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride
Reserve generating capacity: Extra generation capacity installed to meet the need of scheduled downtimes for preventive maintenance is called reserve-generating capacity. The accuracy of LIBS measurements is typically better than 10% and precision is often better than 5%. CEE, control execution environment
A simulation of the observed EPR spectrum is shown at the right, and agrees with the 12-line prediction and the expected line intensities. These high-temperature atomization sources provide sufficient energy to promote the atoms into high energy levels. Pd, palladium
HPM, hazardous production materials; high purity metal; hydrochloric peroxide
Surface Plasmons of silver and gold are easily excited by the laser, and the resulting electric fields cause other nearby molecules to become Raman active. Save when you purchase multiple reports. TRE, time resolved photoemission
where the subscripts refer to the molar absorptivity and concentration of the different absorbing species that are present. Two-Sector instruments usually have the ability to adjust the resolution and can resolve peaks 500.00 and 500.01 to a valley of 10% peak height or better. SNR , signal-to-noise ratio
Combustion-resistant vegetable oil-based dielectric coolants and synthetic pentaerythritol tetra fatty acid (C7, C8) esters are also becoming increasingly common as alternatives to naphthenic mineral oil. The machine is started as a squirrel cage induction motor first. PMT, photomultiplier tube
The response (e.g., peak height) for a particular concentration is known as the response factor. DRT, defect review tool
44. RBB, base sheet resistance
During this process, the value of the resistance is monitored closely and cutting of grooves is stopped as soon as the desired value of resistance is obtained. Protolink Synopsis BFL , buffered field-effect-transistor logic
CEC, cell evaluation chip
and mount the siding on the furring. What are different type of RAMs in FPGA and how we can use them ? the voltage across the two terminals when RL is removed) and sum of load resistance and internal resistance of the network. EEDF, electron energy distribution function
During this time the plasma emits a continuum of radiation which does not contain any useful information about the species present, but within a very small timeframe the plasma expands at supersonic velocities and cools. Join. Typically, the X-rays emerging from a sample must pass a source-defining slit, then optical elements (mirrors and/or gratings) disperse them by diffraction according to their wavelength and, finally, a detector is placed at their focal points. SC-2, standard clean 2
HCMOS, high density complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
KSLOC, 1000 source lines of code
There exist several efficient designs for analyzing an X-ray emission spectrum in the ultra-soft X-ray region. Can CLB configured as a RAM ? Mg, magnesium
Fr, francium
By recording the intensity of two such co-linearly at some fixed point and changing their relative phase one obtains an intensity spectrum as a function of path length difference. SCFH, standard cubic feet per hour
ABM, activity-based management
Lu, lutetium
WVR, water vapor regained
Due to following reasons, AC systems are preferred over DC systems: CSE, control systems engineering
data_r <= mem [addr] ; 53. Listverse.com - A case study.Founded in 2009 6 by the former opera singer 7 Jamie Frater, from the comfort of his home, Listverse is a website that produces lists that are designed to be clickbait with sensational headlines. Raman microscopy, and in particular confocal microscopy, has very high spatial resolution. These headlines lead the users to articles with less-than-credible sources, if referenced at all. MMIC, monolithic microwave integrated circuit
PBS, photon backscattering
ppma, parts per million atomic
These levels have well defined energies and electrons moving between them must absorb or emit energy equal to the difference between them. PTPA, probe-to-pad alignment
Ba, barium
SMB, single-mask bumping
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mP, microprocessor
ASAP, Advanced Stepper Application Program; as soon as possible
Because of this, a subsequent photo-absorption is often very likely. Scattering of light due to particulates in the sample, iii. 55. It an atom with which an unpaired electron is associated has a non-zero nuclear spin, and then its magnetic moment will affect the electron. PMMA, polymethyl methacrylate
OOD, object-oriented design
Line losses are 1.57 times unity power factor. In simulation compiler do and dont do the following operation. Zener-breakdown or Avalanche breakdown may occur independently or both of these may occur simultaneously. CTMC, cluster tool modular communications
Which part of the male reproductive system store the sperm? In motors at the time of starting the armature resistance is introduced to reduce the high starting current and the field resistance is kept minimum to have high starting torque. A lock-out relay is generally placed in line before or after the e-stop switch so the power can be shut off at one central location. A variable frequency transformer is used to transmit electricity between two asynchronous alternating current domains. Er, erbium
This complexity translates into higher purchase costs, higher operational costs, more operators training, and a greater number of components that can potentially fail. This small circle is called the Rowland circle. This type of X-ray emission spectroscopy is often referred to as resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). more current(V constant),result in more losses if pf is good ex: 0.95 to meet actual power load has to draw less current(V constant),result in less losses). which make FPGA more suitable for embedded systems. ESW, embedded software
SOW, statement of work
SWP, single wafer processing
34. RAC, remote access and control
This voltage can then be displayed on an analogue or digital voltmeter, indicating frequency. It uses light in the visible and adjacent to ultra violet (UV) and near infrared (NIR) ranges.
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