For smelting technologists this is a bit like the quest for the holy grail. In addition to the decarbonisation of the fusion process (already electrified), electrification and renewable energies could reduce the emissions of the main combustion processes in the sector (furnaces, alumina refineries and transport). Also in November, the House of Representatives passed the BBBA, which allocates $555 billion to fight climate change. Foundries, already connected to the grid, will have to reduce their electricity emissions by decarbonisingexisting grids. Cross-border transfers of electricity are enough to power 7 million households. After sorting, aluminumscrapis typically sent to smelters, where it undergoes an energy-intensive process. While President Biden has not directly mentioned importing renewable power, he stated in a direct reference to Canada that no source of clean power is off the table. That said, the most recent text of the U.S. House of Representatives budget reconciliation bill would give a 10 percent credit under the Section 136101 Credit for Electricity Produced from Certain Renewable Resources for renewable energy products domestically produced in the United States. Once this is done we can look at what work is needed to reduce and eliminate these emissions. As noted above, smelting is estimated to be responsible for 862 million tonnes of GHG emissions out of the industrys total of 1068 billion tonnes with 671 million tonnes coming from emissions associated with electricity supplied to the smelting process. Determining a common threshold at which countries can designate aluminum as decarbonized is a necessary step and one that should accompany a more detailed effort to reach a global agreement on methodologies for carbon content of goods. Aluminum not only offers durability, but also is lightweight and infinitely recyclable, meaning it has clear environmental benefits compared to other similar inputs, such as steel or plastic. Although hydropower facilities in certain regions are susceptible to variable rainfall, hydropower in general is more reliable than wind and solar. These provisions will be recommended by a newly formed working group of both parties and other participating countries, as the arrangement is intended to be open to any country interested in restricting the trade of high-carbon steel and aluminum products. Another step in encouraging greater sustainability in the aluminum industry is to deploy better recycling technology. The basic chemistry of the smelting process is the reduction of aluminium oxide in the presence of carbon anodes to produce aluminium metal and carbon dioxide (CO2). It is worth noting, however, that maintaining a stable electricity supply is a key parameter in minimising the generation of these gases. The huge differences lie mostly in the type of electricity used during the smelting process. To ensure that producers are not disadvantaged during the decarbonization transition, governments should adopt targeted policies that help reduce the financial impact on firms. Mining bauxite is clearly a negligible part of the aluminium story. The upstream aluminum sector is responsible for the sourcing of raw material components from mined bauxite that is then refined into alumina and smelted into aluminum. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We could not be more excited to announce that today Phlox WordPress theme hits over 1000 installs on,,,,, Electricity Australia compared with the ROW, A Direct Air Capture plant starts up in Iceland, Why are Swedish GHG emissions so much lower than Australias. Major growth is projected in the use of downstream aluminum in the transportation sector, and aluminum provides the automotive and aircraft industries with important sustainability opportunities. The smelting process is responsible for the bulk of the GHG emissions associated with the production of aluminium metal. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency, an independent agency funded by the Federal government, will contribute $0.6 million to the cost of this project. And recycling aluminium uses just 5% of the energy it takes to produce it from the ground. Europe and China serve as cautionary examples for how to avoid some of the pitfalls of the volatility of energy markets. The owners will also be aware that alumina refineries are not pretty places with waste streams that create genuine, localised environmental challenges. In 2018, the global demand for aluminum was 95 million tons, of which two thirds (64 million) were met by primary aluminum, produced from the ore, and one third (31 million) by recycled aluminum. Co-benefits with other environmental indicators are observed. The fragility of the situation in Yunnan has led the central governments NDRC to issue a directive to aluminum companies to diversify future plants away from hydroelectric power and toward wind and solar. Creating a national deposit system, as proposed in the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA) (S. 984) and the CLEAN Future Act (H.R. Ongoing decarbonization directives and new energy crises have increased uncertainty in domestic and international aluminum markets, with Chinese aluminum prices reaching a 13-year high. Australia should continue to play a leading role in bauxite mining with future risks more a function of mine life and cost than carbon pressures. The huge differences lie mostly in the type of electricity used during the smelting process. The IAI position paper, Aluminum Sector Greenhouse Gas Pathways to 2050, presents a complete map of the path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the decarbonisation of the aluminum industry over the next three decades. Demonstrating how difficult it is to achieve that price point, hydropower in the United States averages a levelized cost of $55.26, and that is after tax credits. Two bills currently under consideration in the U.S. Congress could help incentivize recycling in the aluminum industry. This would allow for a further 300 million tonne reduction in CO2 emissions in 2050, an impact of the same magnitude as the reduction in direct emissions under Path 2. However,the location of renewable energy production, such asoffshorewind farms or major solar fields, is oftendistant fromproduction facilities, meaning that electricity must travel far to reach the end user. Aluminium is an almost infinitely recyclable material and around 80% is already taken back into production. As part of ensuring a resilient renewable energy grid, governments should work together to encourage the free trade of renewable power across borders. While transatlantic cooperation on industrial decarbonization is important, climate change is a global commons problem. Global fragmentation risks becoming further intensified since different carbon accounting methodologies can lead to the ensnarement of entire sectors into carbon adjustment measures. For example, an investorfunding the development ofa solar field would needassurancesthatthesolarfield would connect to the grid, meaning the existence of transmission lines is often a first stepthat precedesthe development of additional renewable energyprojects. That same year, the value of primary aluminum amounted to $1.98 billion. Emissions estimates and decarbonisation pathways mining and refining, The International Aluminium Institute (3) estimates that the industry from mining to smelting produced 1,068 billion tonnes of GHG emissions per year. In the downstream aluminum sector, companies take primary aluminum product and adapt it to specific value-added products and solutions. In addition to building resilient and renewable power grids, governments have several other policy tools at their disposal, from supporting the free trade of renewable electricity to ensuring resilient recycling supply chains. Public infrastructure investments in enhancing recycling facility efficiency can also help address the almost 25 percent of aluminum cans that are missorted and not recycled. 2 Consequently, steel players across the globe, and especially in Europe, are increasingly facing a decarbonization challenge. Smelter operators will also be conscious that sourcing the raw materials for consumable anodes, petroleum coke and coal tar pitch, is likely to become increasingly problematic as fossil fuel usage is constrained. The United States does not have a domestic framework for carbon taxes nor a complementary border tax, making a transatlantic sectoral agreement or climate club unfeasible for the foreseeable future. While steel output declined in the historic production hubs of Hebei and Tianjin in the north, these reductions were offset by production increases in all other provinces. Thanks to increased aluminum recycling and decarbonization technology, the carbon intensity of aluminum production has decreased 43 percent since 1991, but producers in the United States and elsewhere must further advance sustainability efforts to meet current climate obligations. For other refineries and smelters, decarbonisation should mean massive investment, with new jobs and opportunities. This paper assesses progress on emissions reductions within the aluminum sector and evaluates policies governments can pursue to accelerate decarbonization of the sector. In 2019, the aluminum industry consumed 6 percent of all global coal-fired electricity, exceeding the total amount of coal-fired electricity generated in Europe. This report is made possible by generous support from the Alcoa Foundation. Unlike bauxite mining and alumina production where Australia is a major player, our share of metal production is only roughly 3% of the global total. The good news for those seeking to decarbonise alumina refining is that conceptual decarbonisation pathways exist and the generic nature of the energy requirements means that technology developments and innovations made in unrelated industries will be transferable and customised to specific refineries in Australia and elsewhere. However, absent China, the deal represents relatively limited progress in the immediate term. Overall, government investment in electricity grids that are both renewable and reliable would incentivize a faster and broader decarbonization of the aluminum sector. Decarbonised power generation and CCUS implementation offer the most significant emission reduction opportunity for these energy consumer-producers. It will be very surprising if the three Australian smelters that use coal fired electricity last into the 2030s, while the future of the aging Bell Bay smelter in Tasmania may depend on competing needs for its roughly 300 MW of hydro power (1% of Australias total power and about 15% of its hydro capacity). The recycling of post-consumer scrap today mitigates the need for almost 20 million tons of primary aluminum, avoiding about 300 million tons of CO2 emissions every year. As a result, Chinese steel production grew 12 percent during the first two quarters of 2021. China is also the worlds largest aluminum producer, accounting for over 55 percent of global aluminum production and demand. Aluminium smelting alumina from the refining step is the feedstock for the aluminium smelting process. A common methodology would also serve as a guardrail for trade policy that encourages countries to use trade to adopt a virtuous circle rather than a race to the bottom in which an increasing number of trade barriers are adopted. As currently written, aluminum is one of the five sectors covered by the EU CBAM, along with iron and steel, cement, fertilizers, and electricity. Why are we doing this? Climate advocates will make the point that a national plan for getting to net zero is a good place to start when addressing these challenges. The two primary aluminum production sites represent 5% of the electrical energy consumption of French industry. This may impact the downstream industries that use aluminum in their manufacturing processes. Non-electric primary aluminum emissions are expected to be reduced from 400 million today (over 520 million in 2050 under BAU) to less than 200 million. New cell technologies such as inert anodes, which emit oxygen instead of CO2, will play an important role in reducing emissions, although their use is currently very limited. The estimated cost of decarbonizing the aluminum sector ranges from $500 billion to $1.5 trillion. Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business, Senior Fellow, Scholl Chair in International Business, Defense Industry, Acquisition, and Innovation, Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation, Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Impacts, Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health, and Immunizations, Building Sustainable and Inclusive Democracy, Responding to Egregious Human Rights Abuses, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, USMCA Automotive Rules of Origin: Economic impacts, Competitiveness Effects, and Relevance, U.S. exploring whether it has authority to review Musks Twitter deal, Electric Vehicle Reshoring: Pragmatism vs. However, the economic and climate benefits for hydrogen-based steel production are still unclear with this innovative production process still in its infancy. However, progress on passing BBBA has stalled, and its fate is uncertain. China is the largest alumina producer with about 50% of total production. Europe has led the way in boosting curbside aluminum recycling, with plastic, metal, and drink carton (PMD) sorting schemes growing in adoption and efficiency. In Germany, a tax on renewable power was reduced by a third to alleviate pressure on consumers. Section 232 tariffs with tariff rate quotas, allowing pre-determined amounts of EU-based steel and aluminum to enter the U.S. market without application of Section 232 tariffs. Primary and secondary aluminum production is also subject to national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants. Chinas 14th Five-Year Plan for 20212025 charts targets for steel and aluminum carbon optimization that ministries, provinces, and firms have begun to enact. The United States has over one thousand downstream aluminum production companies, representing the largest aluminum segment in the domestic industry and the second-largest downstream segment in the world, behind China. When balanced with other energy inputs, the cost rises to between $40 and $50/MWh, which is still cost competitive with coal. In addition to government intervention regarding the trade of aluminum, the sector also faces environmental regulatory measures. Government investment in new smelters could help streamline aluminum processes and reduce the overall amount of harmful byproduct, but sourcing electricity from renewable power is the fastest and most cost-effective method for immediate emissions reductions on a large scale. However, Florida has its own grid, as doesTexas, where the gridinfamously faltered amid a deep freeze in 2021. A major constraint to increasing aluminum recycling is the finite amount of aluminum scrap that emerges from waste streams each year. Mission . Aluminum is one of the world's most widely used metals. Chinas National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has issued code-red warnings in nine provinces or regions to suspend energy-intensive steel projects. At present, aluminum recycling in the automotive industry is highly efficient with a 91 percent recycling rate, mostly from end-of-life automotive aluminum. To meet Beijings new decarbonization demands, provinces have begun to power down production. Every ton of steel produced in 2018 emitted on average 1.85 tons of carbon dioxide, equating to about 8 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. EGA is the first UAE company to join the group, whose current members include more than 50 companies from around the world. Of course, different sectors contribute different amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and face different paths to decarbonisation as a result. Instead, grids are divided byjurisdiction. The main issue of decarbonising recycling aluminum is the use of natural gas as heat source for temperatures that can be reached by electrical processes or by the use of energy from biomass. Most of this is exported again mostly to China. Previously implemented curbs on coal mining for environmental and safety reasons have also contributed to the rise in coal prices. Starting in 2026, aluminum may only be imported by registered importers, meaning that non-EU aluminum producers must verify customer registration or file to be a registered EU importer themselves. The main consumer sectors are construction, transport and packaging. In many instances, this configuration effectively monetises a (potentially stranded) coal asset by turning the coal into aluminium. For situations where power is supplied by a large, third party generator it seems inevitable that commercial power supply negotiations will drive an industry realignment. Heat for the dissolution process is typically provided by steam generated by on site coal or natural gas boilers while the high temperatures required for calcination invariably mean direct fossil fuel combustion (i.e. This means that 1 kg of these gases is equivalent to 6.5 or 9.2 tonnes of CO2. Aluminum recycling rates close to 100%, better scrap selection, elimination of pre-consumer waste and waste metal could reduce the need for primary aluminum by 20% by 2050. The Aluminium Climate-Aligned Finance Working Group is the latest initiative by banks and the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) to decarbonise high emissions industrial sectors. The entire aluminium industry needs a decarbonisation strategy that is both broad and deep. Thiscreatesa renewableenergychicken-and-eggdynamic. The prevalence of aluminum-lithium (Al-Li) composites is growing, with Alcoa investing $90 million in the worlds largest Al-Li production facility in Indiana. But according to IAI estimates, optimising efforts to capture the remaining end-of-life scrap could reduce the need for primary aluminium by 15% and save an estimated 250m tonnes of CO 2 each year. To decarbonise, primary aluminum will have to innovate to modify the process, for example through an inert anode, or will have to study technologies such as carbon capture and sequestration. CBAM certificate prices will be calculated as the average weekly auction price of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) allowances, and credit will be given to non-EU producers for any carbon price paid in their country of domestic production. Domestically, China is currently pursuing a$300 billionproject over 30 years to modernizeand updateits grid, arguably putting it at the forefront of government initiatives to modernize grids. The European Unions recently proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) seeks to limit carbon leakage and encourage a race to the top when it comes to environmental standards and emissions reductions. On the other hand, a BCA would be particularly worrisome for a country like China, which supplies 13.3 percent of U.S. aluminum. To decarbonise, primary aluminum will have to innovate to modify the process, for example through an "inert" anode, or will have to study . Internationally, decarbonisation of the aluminium industry starts (and probably stops) with China. Emissions from aluminium production can range from around 3 tons of CO 2 per ton of aluminium up to around 19 tons. Small quantities of these gases therefore have a disproportionate warming impact. The mines in Australia have relatively low levels of overburden so they are smaller in terms of material moved/tonne of product when compared with other mining operations for example copper, gold, coal and iron ore. Bauxite mines have other pretty standard mine site mineral processing equipment large scale crushers, sizing and storage infrastructure allowing finished product to be loaded onto ocean going vessels. A recent report from the International Aluminum Institute (IAI) outlines clear and comprehensive paths the aluminum sector can follow to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years. These elements together comprise what can be described as sustainable aluminum. Global demand is likely to continue growing in response to increasing global population and GDP . HomeBlogUncategorizedDecarbonising Aluminium. Governments should reduce or remove tariffs on green aluminum to ensure the fastest and most efficient deployment of more sustainable products, while working to maintain cross-border flows of renewable electricity. Global aluminium production grew at a sluggish pace in 2019 and 2020, in contrast to average annual growth of 6% in 2010-2018. The CBAM shields domestic heavy industryin this case, steel, aluminum, cement, and fertilizersfrom unfair competition in countries with weaker environmental regulations. It also includes $4 billion in funding for advanced industrial technology that helps reduce industrial GHG emissions to achieve net-zero emissions at industrial facilities that produce materials such as steel, aluminum, cement, concrete, and glass. On a global basis, power accounted for close to 60% of GHG emissions relating to aluminium production in 2020. Conceptual decarbonisation pathways include electrification using zero carbon generation (most suited for smaller scale applications) and where higher temperatures or higher intensity inputs are required, green hydrogen, concentrated solar thermal energy and carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) are being considered. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global CO2 emissions need to decrease by 45 percent by 2030 in order to keep global warming below the 1.5 degree threshold. All paths would involve a mix of technologies, including existing ones, some new solutions in development, and others yet to be developed. The first of its kind, the arrangement would prioritize decarbonizing the aluminum and steel industries, which account for over 10 percent of total global emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and aluminum industry have worked in concert to improve efficiency of aluminum production and reduce sectoral emissions of perfluorocarbons (PFCs or PFAS), which are potent GHGs released during primary aluminum production that trap heat in the atmosphere. The most cost-effective way to produce sustainable aluminum, which is now price competitive with traditional, fossil-fuel-based aluminum, is by sourcing electricity from renewable energy sources, such as hydro, solar, and wind power. The production data forecasts are based on the IAI 2020 reference scenario (March 2020). 1512), would help expand on subnational success. In addition to adjusting pricing schemes, China has ordered more coal to be mined and has increased imports of coal, primarily from Russia and Indonesia. Australia is the worlds second largest alumina producer with about 15% of global output. Despite the government-mandated maximum price on energy, recent surges in market-driven coal prices have led to blackouts in half of Chinese provinces. In the United States, the Biden administrationsagendaseeks to upgrade the U.S. electrical gridthrough both the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework (BIF) and the Build Back Better Act (BBBA). Secondary aluminum production in the United States in 2020 equaled 3.2 million metric tons. Investment decisions will be sensitive to opposition from community groups or changes to site permits issued by state or federal regulators. The CLEAN Future Act, a comprehensive decarbonization legislative package, includes a national deposit system in addition to new standards and programs to incentivize and regulate beverage containers and recycling. For these thermal processes, electrification with low carbon sources offers a potential path towardsdecarbonisation. Required fields are marked *. For its new 702MP satellite, Boeing used a novel recycled aluminum printing process to reduce its weight by 28 pounds prior to launch. Aluminium is crucial for building the new, green economy. Transportation applications, such as aluminum used in goods from bicycles and automobiles to aircraft, account for the majority of domestic consumption (40 percent), followed by packaging (21 percent), building (14 percent), electrical (8 percent), consumer durables (7 percent), machinery (7 percent) and other (3 percent). For the IAT 2050 horizon, B2DS predicts an 85% reduction in total anthropogenic carbon dioxide from 34.3 billion CO2 in 2014 to 4.8 billion CO2, while the SDS foresees a 75% reduction on the 2019 baseline, from 35.7 to 9.4 billion CO2. The EPA is authorized to require the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of hazardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act. We pursue three main paths towards zero carbon aluminium; (i) Path 1: Decarbonised Bayer process and carbon capture and storage (CCS) for existing smelters, (ii) Path 2: Decarbonised Bayer process and development of Hydro's proprietary HalZero technology for greenfield smelters and (iii) Path 3: Recycling of post-consumer scrap with decarbonised operations. It leaves lenders with a conundrum how to greenify and support the growth of the full value chain, including those companies with a relatively large footprint (which could increase the carbon footprint of the lenders own portfolio). Carbon border adjustments such as these (and others proposed by countries such as Canada, Japan, and Russia) risk increasing global fragmentation as countries erect trade barriers in a bid to simultaneously reduce free-riding and protect local industries. Australia is the leading global bauxite producer by volume. The main sources of non-electricity emissions in the aluminum sector are the combustion of fuel, the consumption of smelter anodes, transport and the carbon footprint of raw materials. decarbonising aluminium production. With some of the worlds least carbon-intensive aluminum sectors, the European Union and United States should work to ensure other countries join them in helping build a virtuous circle of trade and climate policy. Technology that can detect key differences in recycled material, including assessing product density, exists but is comparatively more expensive than traditional sorting technology. While it represents a step in the right direction for climate change policy, it remains to be seen whether such a bilateral deal would restrain the ability of the international trading system to combat climate change by encouraging countries to undertake their own border adjustment measures. Though still in R&D, the technologywhen coupled with hydropower energy sourcingaims to become commercially viable by 2024. Of the six primary smelters in operation in the United States, the newest one opened in 1980. Technically almost anything is possible with enough time and money but for some refineries and smelters the journey to zero carbon means they will need to close causing collateral damage (and some celebration) in local communities. The most urgent hurdles for the aluminum industry to overcome in its path to decarbonization relate to the electric grid. Every minute in the United States, 105,784 aluminum cans are recycled, contributing to an industry average of 73 percent recycled content in a given aluminum beverage can. The United States has also announced negotiations with Japan and the United Kingdom for similar bilateral agreements that would also seek to reduce tariffs and encourage decarbonization of heavy industry. While government intervention has primarily focused on trade remedies and environmental standards, the aluminum sector itself has led efforts to decarbonize, particularly via new technology in upstream and downstream production to create sustainable aluminum. Being light, strong, durable, conductive and recyclable, aluminum products are essential elements for a low-carbon future. The split between processing steps was estimated to be, Smelting (including anode production and casting) 862 billion tonnes (81.3%). While onshore and solar energy generation has become even cheaper, with averaged levelized costsafter tax creditsof each at$36.93and$30.43, respectively,limiteddeployment hinders theiravailability for powering aluminum plants. Decarbonizing Chinas aluminum sector could have far-ranging consequences for global emissions targets. The House-passed version of the reconciliation bill allocates $555 billion to clean energy and climate investments and $320 billion to clean energy tax credits for utility scale and residential clean energy storage, transmission, vehicles, and manufacturing. Additionally, the package allocates $110 billion in investments for clean energy technology, including funding for technological advancements for batteries, solar power, and other advanced materials. One possible game changer would be the introduction of tariffs related to the carbon footprint of goods crossing international borders. Made up of a combination of materials with different properties, new particulate composites that suspend other particles within aluminum alloy are becoming more popular than pure aluminum in aerospace. Today, energy use in industry is the number one contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Aluminum has been subject to government intervention through both trade and environmental policy tools. However, other countries, including both the United States and China, do not possess a renewable energy grid that is similarly diversified with renewables, meaning it is highly unlikely they would be able to meet that standard in the immediate future. Warming, is currently a relatively low priority issue hurt is to ensure an energy supply is Changes to site permits issued by state or federal regulators methodologies can lead to region. Using furnaces, kilns, digesters typically want to avoid some of the aluminum sector ranges from 500. The low weight and resistance to corrosion, make it a sustainable material use. Looks to be WTO compliant industry has been mixed ) relied heavily on hydro power and! And faster decarbonization another complicating trade element in the aluminum sector and evaluates policies governments can facilitate of. 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