UPM mix can be opened to traffic immediately following compaction. In comparison, conventional cold mixes are not controlled by a QC program and as a result, do not perform like UPM permanent pavement repair material. Load from one end of the stockpile only. Seasonal Grades:Specific formulations to accommodate year-round patching requirements. Materials: Hot mix asphalt products, SS1-H/tack 5 gallon pails, Bulk SSI-H tack. We offer Flexfit, Port and Company and our own brands of cheap beanies. Confidently. For additional details, please contact our customer service department. We have an incredible assortment of cold patch asphalt repair products at NAC Supply. No oily mess, no special tools required & patch sets up right away. PREPARE: Scrape or sweep the loose fragments and debris from the hole providing a solid base and cleanedges. Apply UPM mix to repair area and compact. UPM Permanent Pavement Repair Material is high-performance cold mix asphalt repair material that can be used by municipalities, contractors and homeowners to fill potholes year-round. The larger 50 lb / 22 kg bag of EZ Street cold asphalt is designed with professionals in mind. 1949 Knox Blvd. Or Call Toll Free 1-800-734-1476 Find safety information and specifications for the Above Ambient variation of UPM Cold Mix Liquid Blend here. Many asphalt patching materials fail in challenging weather conditions. Adding 15% for compaction; 3.15 bags x 0.15 = 0.5 bags; 3.15 bags + 0.5 bags = 3.65 bags; 185 lbs. Read our Privacy Policy. This understanding drives us toward our continued commitment to excellence. volume of pothole only. This contains the cold, hard facts about our cold mix solution including benefits, limitations, usage instructions, and more. PACKAGE PAVEMENT ALL-WEATHER ECO . Paving Services Martin Marietta is a full service paving contractor serving Federal, military, state departments of transportation, cities and counties as well as, private residential and commercial construction. Use year round, no temperature restrictions. 2000 lb - Bulk / Ton; View Spec Data Sheet View Safety Data Sheet. This product can be shipped around the world and can be stored for up to six months. / cubic ft. is compacted). Cold Patch contains 90% recycled material and is designed for repairing and patching blacktop surfaces. EZ Street cold asphalt, is a permanent patch that is simple to install. APPLY: Shovel UPM mix into the hole and level out 25% higher than desired depth to allow for compaction. It really is EZ! Fill out the form below or call us at (800) 441-4880. Bagged cold patch asphalt is also sealed from external elements and therefore has a much longer shelf life than buying cold patch in bulk. This item ships directly from our vendor. UPM mix has a VOC of less than 0.1%, the limit in many states is 3%. Staying healthy physically can help you stay healthy emotionally too. Address: Hitscherhof 3, 66506 Maweiler . Well get you the cold patch asphalt repair that lasts. What has not changed is our emphasis on hard-work and doing business the old-fashioned way. Schedule a demo so that we can show you the work-ability and longevity of our cold-mix asphalt. Can UPM mix patches be overlaid with hot mix asphalt? Clean, pour, tamp, done! It is designed to have the repaired area ready for use immediately after job is complete. Always round bags up to whole bag. The viscosity modifier is essentially the same for both cutbacks and emulsified cold mixes. bag of cold-patch asphalt costs $8 to $20 and covers 5 to 7 square feet at a 1" depth. Delivery or Pickup We provide a 1- to 3-day delivery response time on our bulk delivery; bulk material is also available for pickup at our production locations. 50F. Visit our online shop to place your order today or find a local sales representative in your area to discuss a regionally formulated product for your contract or municipal project. Cold Patch is one of the safest, most effective asphalt repair products available. If you have repaired the same roads and potholes repeatedly, you know how frustrating and expensive asphalt repair can be. Learn more about the Liquid Blend variation of UPM Cold Mix Asphalt Repair Material in our safety data sheet. We understand that you and all our hard-working customers deserve only the best. Check the retailer website to find the nearest location and contact them to see if they have our products in stock. (Connecticut) Nearly all states exempt cold mix if long life storage characteristics are incorporated into engineering design. Repair large utility cuts, overlay large sections of asphalt or replace large sections of damaged pavement. Packaging: All units sold by the pound are available in: To order UPM High-Performance Cold Mix asphalt repair material for pavement and pothole repair, or other UNIQUE concrete & asphalt repair products for driveway repair, road repair and other asphalt maintenance needs - Contact UNIQUE Paving Materials today. We offer styles in hypoallergenic and anti-microbial fabrics as well. Depending on the quantity you need for your job and the types of trucks you have available, you may want to get our loose asphalt or bags. Cold Patch. Website More Info. Somecold mix asphaltsuppliers falsely refer to their products as being comparable or equal to ourcold mix asphalt solution. . We take personal pride and care in every project we do. Sufficient quantities (100 + tons) have a 1-year shelf life, smaller quantities last several weeks to several months depending on storage conditions. EZ Street cold patch is produced through conventional asphalt plants utilizing proprietary processes. Is UPM mix a cutback or emulsion based cold mix? The reason is the viscosity modifiers (hydrocarbon solvents) required for long life storage do not significantly contribute to VOC. And once made, EZ Street cold patch asphalt has an extraordinary stockpile life. EZ Street Cold Asphalt is a high-quality, polymer-modified cold mix asphalt available in batch orders to builders, road repair municipalities, business owners, and for the first time, do-it-yourself homeowners. Wait at least 30 days prior to overlaying. Contractor using cold-mix asphalt for patching pothole Bulk asphalt cost per truckload A bulk truckload of asphalt costs $500 to $1,800, including delivery fees. bags have a minimum shelf life of 18 months. UPM mix is designed for permanent performance in wet holes. In fact, the SHRP study (Strategic Highway Research Program) and every other study comparing cold mixes concluded that using the best performing or highest survivability cold mix available is the best and most cost effective means to repair pavement. (4 bags). | EZ Street and the EZ Street logo are registered trademarks of Asphalt Research Technology, Inc. Plant #3: Rochester Hills 2240 Avon Industrial Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309. Ready to try UPM Cold Mix? This slow curing process allows the patch to move with the pavement during weathering, expansion, and contraction. YES! In fact, all you need is a shovel and a hand tamper. Plus, our premium line of tire repair supplies ensures you're always driving safely. NO! UPM is a registered trademark of UNIQUE Paving Materials Corp. Year Round Use:Use UPM Permanent Pavement Repair Material to repair asphalt or concrete pavement inany weather. Asphalt patch developed by the pros, for the pros, but now you can use it too. Leonard Herbicides Insecticides & Fungicides, EZ Street; Cold Asphalt Patch, 1-Ton Bulk Sack. Sufficient compaction of UPM mix after installation will increase initial surface stability of the repair and prevent rutting, pushing and raveling. 105 pounds per cubic ft (compacted).2,835 pounds per cubic yard (compacted).50 lb. ; or 2,835 lb./2,000 lbs./ton or 1.4 tons. An environmentally-friendly, ready to use recycled asphalt product. Sakrete Blacktop Patch Pallet - 20, 40. from $795.00. No tack coat. All Weather Application: Permanent repairs under wet or dry weather conditions. The proprietary asphalt blend used in manufacturing UPM mix provides a tenacious binding property to the walls of the area being repaired. With five hot-mix asphalt plant locations, we're able to supply our products in bulk throughout Buffalo and Erie County, NY. $89.95. Sort:Default. Do not seal coat over new UPM mix patches for at least 30 days (preferably 6 months to 1 year) to allow for proper curing. Is UPM mix compliant with state VOC laws i.e. . How long will UPM bulk mix last in a stockpile? The bulk format also means a repair product that's immediately accessible whenever and wherever the user needs it. Youre wondering about UPM bulk mix: Questions about stockpiles, shelf life, sealing, seasonal grades, all-weather usage, VOC compliance, and much more. Check our Terms of Service, Do it yourself Asphalt Repair, Pothole Repair and Driveway Repair, Where can I get EZ Street Cold Asphalt Repair? Potholes, utility cuts, overlays, edge repairs, etc. Hand tamper, vibratory plate compactors, rollers or compaction by wheel rolling with a vehicle are acceptable. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Material: Advanced polymer-modified cold asphalt, Repairs potholes, utility cuts, overlays, and edge work, Works in all weather conditions and water, Guaranteed permanent repairs for asphalt and concrete. Next, fill the hole a few inches above your desired grade. / cubic ft. = 2,835 lb. ; 704 lbs. Stockpile Our Cold Mix Asphalt in Bulk for Ready Availability! Permanent Repairs: UPM mix repairs have been proven* to outlast the surrounding pavement. 23. Sort by. Common questions and answers about our UPM Cold Mix Asphalt Repair product, such as Why is UPM mix better than others?. The web is based on volume only. The highwaymen bring out the heavy equipment and pour hot . UPM mix is a cutback because a viscosity modifier is used to control workability. Listed on bag: One 50 lb. Multiply the web values by 1.15 to determine needed material (compacted) example: 3.15 bags x 1.15 = 3.6 bags or 180 lbs. We plant many varieties in order to supply you with the best quality possible. How soon can sealer be applied to a UPM mix repair? Can UPM mix be used for concrete repairs? Sakrete U.S. Main (248) 244-3440. . No bleeding. About Search Results. 180 (degrees symbol missing)F. Combined with the viscosity modifier, the material is mixed with local aggregate to make UPM mix. (Save $3370) Add to Cart. Bulk Saturock is Made Per Order. In early 2008 we introduced a line of Eco-friendly blacktop repair products which provide the same high level of performance with the environment in mind. Price: $1,670.00. Use to permanent patching of potholes, cracks and other defects in blacktop and concrete. Permanent Pothole Repair. Every driver is familiar with the annual spring and summer repaving ritual. Use our cold asphalt patch year-round on highways, roads, driveways and more. For more information, browse our resource library below for product data sheets, safety data sheets and more. Properly installed, UPM permanent pavement repair material will outlast surrounding pavement. cubic ft. = 704 lbs. Can UPM mix be used to patch in extremely wet conditions? Perrin Asphalt Garage. We work hard to ensure your asphalt patch lasts longer than other asphalt repair products. Simply remove loose debris or ice, any amount of water is acceptable. Small. Appointment Must be Scheduled Before Picking Up.Available Only at Our Saturock Plant in Kansas City, MO - Call: (816) 455-6759Features:Saturock Cold Asphalt Repair is available in BulkIt is an economical, easy-to-use paving and patching cold asphalt mix designed to be used year-round regardless of weather conditionsSpecifications:It Meets or exceeds ASTM . Our mission is to have the highest quality asphalt materials and the best customer service in the industry. The surface of the patch will cure to the hardness of the surrounding pavement. Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) Ad Aladdin's Sealcoating. 11 Reviews. The UPM liquid film on the aggregate is self-tacking, meaning UPM mix will partially dissolve the pothole wall, gluing UPM mix into the pothole in addition to profiling the pothole wall. Model: #64-30-9-50. We provide a 1- to 3-day delivery response time on our bulk delivery; bulk material is also available for pickup at our production locations. Visit our project gallery to see UPM Cold Mix in action as crews repair some of Americas toughest potholes. Alternative to hot asphalt. Rema 51F A+B Compound Repair System For Truck/OTR Tire. UPM blend is delivered to the production site at approx. Full line of New Cimline Crack Sealers. Easily place your order with a call to Kevin Giese at 314-415-0749314-415-0749. Sarver, PA 16055 | 724.353.2700 |. Address: Lohweg 7, 92367 Litzlohe. Long Shelf Life Stored product lasts for years. Finish by compacting. QPR Permanent Cold Patch - Bulk This premium, all weather, permanent pot hole repair material is used by all the public agencies in Western New York for road and street maintenance and is the ideal solution for potholes, utility cuts and other repair applications. Weve got answers. 1 cubic yard = (3 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft.) x 105 lb. Trafficable immediately. Proprietary oil helps in keeping the asphalt soft and thus, repel water. No harmful chemicals, lowest VOCs. Copyright 2018- U.S. Stored product lasts for years. Upon compaction, the aggregate and asphalt interlock making the repair stable enough for immediate traffic. Just one more way that TSR helps keep your job running smoothly. Even if it's a freezing rain in November, that stockpile of EZ Street cold asphalt is ready to go onto the truck and into the hole so everybody's in out of the cold and the wet in record time. Discover our seasonally adjusted asphalt cold patch solutions and never delay a pothole repair again: Cold patch asphalt repair is easy to use and doesnt require heavy machinery or a primer. Asphalt Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating Home Improvements Paving Contractors. EZ Street Cold Asphalt Retail Locations, Asphalt Contractors / Potholes / Overlays and Edge Repairs / Utility Cuts and Trench Patching Water / Valve Surrounds, Catch Basin Grates and Drain Surrounds / Cold Asphalt Repair Products / About Asphalt and Pothole Repair / Contact EZ Street / Patch Once, Copyright 2022 | The EZ Street Company | All rights reserved. Cold Patch is dry, odorless, and contains none of the hazardous volatiles found in typical cold asphalts. Global Sources puts an end to the complex traditional commerce by bringing together cold patch suppliers and buyers. / 50 lbs. 5. Download MSDS EZ Street cold patch asphalt is available throughout the United States and around the world. Find a Local Sales Representative. Our special formula will allow you to have your own stockpile ready for urgent needs. Asphalt QC When you need to buy patches think of The Cheap Place. Please allow additional time for order processing and delivery. Offer year-round pothole repair with this unique cold pour mix. Gernatt Gravel offers a variety of asphalt products and asphalt millings for everything from patch repairs to full driveway and road jobs. For deep potholes, apply and compact UPM mix in separate 2 layers. SAKRETE U.S. We provide a 1-3 day delivery response time on our bulk delivery bulk material is available for pickup at our productions locations. is UPM mix green? Downloads Your Asphalt Sales Solution Since the 1950s Allied Asphalt has provided quality Hot Mix Asphalt, Warm Mix, Cold Patch and asphalt paving materials for highways, driveways, runways, and commercial parking lots. UPM mix is self-priming. Our high-performance material can be applied in any weather (rain, snow, or shine) and will stay in the hole when . Made of 95%+ recycled material. size. Proudly serving Texas since 2001. Watch the video to learn more about our proprietary asphalt cold patch. U.S. UPM mix is designed for survivability. Check out our selection of tire repair products today. Contractors, municipalities, and Departments of Transportation have successfully overlaid UPM patches without bleed-through, pushing or rutting. Order Info: Minimum wholesale order is $1000.00. You can get your bulk load of HEI-WAY Asphalt by ordering directly from us or visiting one of our distributors. Our pothole repair material keeps working and stays workable in all weather conditions, from snow and ice to rain and extreme heat. Keep a bag in the back of your truck for quick repairs. Item: #2060-489. We guarantee our winter-grade formula stays workable in sub-freezing temperaturesor we will replace it. Cold Patch is ready to drive on immediately after application. COLD PATCH. This 1 ton bulk bag is ideal for bulk asphalt repairs on roads, carparks, trucking yards, shopping centre carparks, ideal for Plumbers, contractors, caretakers, utility cuts and other forms of damaged asphalt, and can be stored for up to one year in the bag and used as desired. Sakrete U.S. Need to add additional 15% for compaction. However, none can match the high performance or success of theUPMCold Mix for pothole and asphalt patch repairs. Our high-performance material can be applied in any weather (rain, snow, or shine) and will stay in the hole when competitors material washes or blows out. Safe for the Environment No harmful chemicals, lowest VOCs. Emergency Patching:Always ready for repairs 24 hours a day from your inventory. UPM Cold Mix asphalt repair material is a cold asphalt patch mix for municipalities, contractors and business owners who need to permanently fill potholes and repair roads. Asphalt Products and Millings. Akron, OH 44320. With the introduction of Bioblends by EZ Street, the intersection of technology and nature is happening today at EZ Street. Stockpile on a clean, paved pad away from dusty areas. Quikrete 50 lb. Because of this, it's common to pick up a bag of "sealed" cold patch only to find it hardened from .
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