Before blending biodiesel with petrodiesel, one must always make sure that the biodiesel meets the industry standard (ASTM D-6751) to be classified as a fuel. Precautions may include protecting tank piping and pumping equipment. The endpoint of the blending process is reached when the required fuel specifications are achieved. Biodiesel is an excellent solvent and, as such, it will readily dissolve many of the deposits in a diesel engine, fuel injectors, fuel supply lines, and storage tanks that have accumulated over the years of engine operation with petrodiesel. Biodiesel works seamlessly with existing infrastructure and vehicles, and the industry has spent significant timedocumenting and showcasing Petroleum Blend Component. Made from an increasingly diverse mix of resources such as recycled cooking oil, soybean oil and animal fats, biodiesel is a renewable, clean-burning diesel replacement that can be used in existing diesel engines without modification. The Government of India also aims to reduce the nation's carbon footprint by the year 2030, by 30-35 percent. Also, B100 must meet the ASTM definition for biodiesel itself (ASTM D6751). Pure biodiesel will gel at zero degrees, but your blend should give you a bit more latitude. Bioheat fuel blends are the future of heating oil and are taking the Once produced the biodiesel runs through cold-soak filtration to meet current and future ASTM specifications. Rack blending is the most straightforward approach to mixing bio-based fuels. Emissions from burning biodiesel in a conventional diesel engine have significantly lower levels of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, particulate matter, sulfur oxides (SOx), odor, and noxious "smoke" compared to emissions from petrodiesel. It is a simple choice and a smart solution that results in a better fuel for your home and the environment. Designed, Developed and Managed by Fisher Tech Solutions LLC, High-Capacity Incubator Shakers | Programmable, Corrosion Resistant Mixers & Mixing Tanks, Poly (PE) Mixing Tanks Engineered Systems, Sealed High Purity Aseptic Polypro And HDPE Mixing Tanks, De-ionized & Ultra-pure Water Storage Tanks & Valves, MEDIA SLURRY TANK FOR PROCESS-SCALE CHROMATOGRAPHY, like Teflon, PFA, Kynar PVDF, Polypropylene, and Polyethylene, Biomass Fermentation and Storage Tank Mixers, Green mixing technologies for pesticides and agriculture chemistries. Towards this goal, one of the key action points is to blend 20 percent ethanol in petrol and 5 percent BioDiesel in diesel, besides many other initiatives. Biodiesel has virtually no sulfur content but has excellent lubricity properties. Biodiesel blending procedures vary according to blending method, feedstock, and blend percentages. Biodiesel blending procedures vary according to blending method, feedstock, and blend percentages. Biofuels-by their very nature-are renewable over a period of less than one year for those based on crops, crop residues, and animal wastes or about 35 years for those based on forest residues, as compared to the hundreds of millions of years for fossil fuels. Sampling is recommended to ensure that tank blends are homogeneous. [HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY] => TW All Rights Reserved. Design and Installation of Biodiesel Systems; Feasibility Report - Small Scale Biodiesel Production These advocates are quick to point out that when Rudolph Diesel invented his engine in the 1890s, the fuel often used was peanut oil - not peanut-based biodiesel, but just plain peanut oil. The technical definition of biodiesel is as follows: Biodiesel, n - a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived fromvegetable oils or animal fats, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of ASTM D 6751. 2022 White Mountain Process. . [SERVER_SIGNATURE] =>. For storage, it is advisable to adopt the normal storage requirements of petroleum-based diesel for biodiesel as well, whether blended or pure. D396 B0-B5 Petroleum Burner Fuel T-xxx. Please enter your email address below to create account. Access the latest global pulses market insights and industry developments in a report released every two weeks by our Pulse Market Reports team. We create exclusive distribution agreements with biodiesel producers, matching their products with our customers across the United States and Europe. MIX TANKS AND AGITATORS FOR BIOFUELS AND BIOMASS PROCESSES. For instance, ''B5'' indicates a blend with 5% biodiesel and 95% diesel fuel; in consequence, B100 indicates pure biodiesel. Biodiesel Production Process By Palm Oil Biodiesel, which is the fatty acid methyl ester, is a clean and renewable energy, in any natural oils as raw materials, processed with methanol by produced chemical liquid fuels. Before blending biodiesel with petrodiesel, one must always make sure that the biodiesel meets the industry standard (ASTM D-6751) to be classified as a fuel. To start your own biodiesel production in a 55 gallon tank, you need at least three 55 gallon tanks, one for the pure biodiesel, one for the standard petroleum-based diesel fuel, and an empty tank for the blending process. On the other hand, petrodiesel relies on fossil fuel reserves which are finite and declining. Its use is promoted through national and international legislation as part of the overall global strategy to reduce carbon emissions.Produced from sustainable renewable sources, such as soybean oil, palm oil and waste vegetable oil, biodiesel can be used in diesel engines, in vehicles and non-road mobile machinery. It takes about 7.3 pounds of soybean oil to produce one gallon of biodiesel. Biodiesel from soybeans yields 3.2 units of fuel energy for each unit of fossil fuel energy consumed in its life cycle. Inspect Aged Fuels. Because of the difference between the natural viscosity of biodiesel and normal petroleum based diesel fuel, it is best to put the required quantity of petroleum diesel fuel in first, and add the biodiesel to it. Biodiesel production is the process of blending pure biodiesel, commonly called B100 (for 100 percent), with standard petroleum-based diesel fuel, to create varying grades of fuel for diesel engines. Since biodiesel is a good solvent, it is necessary to quickly wipe any biodiesel spills from painted surfaces to avoid paint removal. Renewable diesel-petroleum diesel blends are labelled with an R followed by the percentage (by volume) of . NREL/SR-580-24089, NREL, Golden CO. 3) In 2007, British Royal Train ran its train . Biodiesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification whereby the glycerin is separated from the fat or vegetable oil. This blend is comprised of pure biodiesel, also referred to as . In 2019, the United States consumed about 43 million barrels (1.8 billion gallons) of biomass-based diesel fuel, nearly all as biodiesel blends with petroleum diesel. More information can be found at This process - known as transesterification - breaks the glycerin from the fatty acid molecules of the feedstock oil and then each fatty acid molecule attaches itself to an alcohol . On the basis of standard model ASTM D 6584, the initial simultaneous identification by gas chromatography using total levels was made and based on this free . Inspect Aged Fuels. used cooking oils, or animal fats. Targray is a leading international provider of wholesale biodiesel solutions with sales locations throughout the United States and Europe. The table below provides instructions for the four standard biodiesel blend methods: Splash, in-tank, in-line, and rack injection blending. Air mixers do come in a variety of mounting arrangements including C clamp mount, drum lid mount, drum bung 2 NPT mounting and abridge or bracket mountingarrangements. Recommended materials for storage tanks include aluminum, steel, polyethylene, polypropylene and Teflon, but not concrete-lined storage tanks. Inspect Aged Fuels. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The accuracy of the blend is very important and so is the mixing. 02 -10 -10 Chieftain Biofuels Biodiesel Blending Process B 100 Blend Component Petroleum Blend Component COA B 100 Comingled WVO-based Comingled Soy-based Comingled Spec-D 6751 T 30 -xxx T 30 -future 1 T 30 -xxx Inspect Aged Fuels B 100 option-a: Chieftain Biofuels Storage Petroleum option-a: Chieftain Biofuels Storage D 975 B 0 -B 5 D 396 B 0 . Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petrodiesel. To help, we've compiled an assortment of basic terms and acronyms and created a simple list to help keep track of key industry information. Petroleum Blend Component. Major biofuels are biodiesel, ethanol, and methane. However, B5 (a biodiesel blend of 5% biodiesel, 95% diesel) is also commonly used in fleet vehicles. biodiesel in the blend. the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Canola oil and rapeseed oil are the most common feedstocks for making biodiesel in Canada and Western Europe, respectively. Biodiesel in its pure form is known as "neat" biodiesel. Renewable jet fuel meets ASTM D7566, which allows for up to a 50-50 blend of biomass-derived blending components and petroleum jet . Present batch ratio blending activates both products simultaneously and is loaded at the same time. One bushel of soybeans (60 pounds) yields about 1.4 - 1.5 gallons of crude oil which can be processed into about 1.2 - 1.4 gallons of B100 biodiesel. The program examined the emission impacts of biodiesel and biodiesel/diesel blends for both regulated . System was designed to be expandable for a B5 blend up to a B20 blend. Glycerin must be disposed of properly as a waste product or used as a coproduct. We are global design and development agency. Neat biodiesel (B100) can be used to totally replace petrodiesel, but more commonly, biodiesel is used in blends varying from B2 to B20. One meter and control valve per product is required and the blend stays proportional and blends throughout the complete load. [HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL] => no-cache Biodiesel is really concentrated solar energy or "liquid sunshine" because it is based on the solar-powered photosynthesis process during the growth phase of the plant feedstock. In the combustion process, carbon from the fuel is converted into carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Then click on your state on the map. There are now some people making a 50% blend but there are considerations when using this blend in a standard diesel motor vehicle, which well come to later. Biodiesel Blend, n - a blend of biodiesel fuel meeting ASTM D 6751 with petroleum-based dieselfuel, designated BXX, where XX represents the volume percentage of biodiesel fuel in the blend. The fuel is produced by transesterificationa process that converts fats and oils into biodiesel and glycerin (a coproduct). 2005. Biodiesel has several environmental benefits when compared topetroleum-based diesel For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. [REDIRECT_REDIRECT_STATUS] => 200 In 2004, the United States used an average of 20 million barrels of oil per day, which is one-fourth of the 80 million barrels pumped per day worldwide. Care must be taken with the standard petroleum based diesel because it has a low flashpoint of 125 F (51C). Peanut oil was gradually replaced by petrodiesel as it became more readily available. Slideshow 3334655 by. Diesel is flammable fluid, so an air motor provides an intrinsically safe non sparking mixer motor which is acceptable for most explosion proof applications. Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy. Biodiesel is a form of diesel fuel derived from plants or animals and consisting of long-chain fatty acid esters.It is typically made by chemically reacting lipids such as animal fat (), soybean oil, or some other vegetable oil with an alcohol, producing a methyl, ethyl or propyl ester by the process of transesterification.. Biodiesel is mixed with diesel to create a blend. 04-22-10. Whenever switching to biodiesel or a biodiesel blend fuel in an engine that had been running on petrodiesel, it is recommended to change fuel filters on a more frequent basis at least for the first six months after the transition. If they all exhibit crystallization at about the same temperature, you have a good blend. Reduction of the SOx is significant because the SOx gases are largely responsible for acid rain and for impeding the performance of catalytic converters on diesel engines. Renewable diesel has a lower cloud point, and therefore better cold weather handling properties. Producing Biodiesel. Essential operation and optimization of BioDiesel Blending systems in a flow is carried out by process engineers of the GLOBECORE company by whom it is developed and delivered on a mass production a number of mixing installations under the name "USB" of compounding of fuels and any liquids (from two to five components) in a flow including with components of a . The price of soybean oil varies widely but over the last few years has tended to stay in the range of $0.15 to $0.25/lb. Biodiesel can be used 100% (B100) or in blends with petroleum diesel fuel. Biodiesel Production and Equipment. Rudolph Diesel designed and built the compression ignition engine or diesel engine in the 1890's. With a flash point temperature of about 300F (compared to about 140F for diesel fuel), biodiesel presents a very low fire hazard and is much safer to store and handle than other petroleum-based fuels. have expressed the manufacturing of soybean oils and methyl biodiesel blend on hydroxylated vegetable (castor oil) using the process called base/acid-catalysis. Biodiesel/diesel fuel blends up to B7 are covered by EN 590. The biodegradable property of biodiesel makes it an especially attractive fuel choice for environmentally sensitive areas such as national parks, forests, and marinas. Biodiesel works very well as fuel for any diesel engine with only minor, if any, required modifications. Furthermore, no engine manufacturers at this time warrant their engines and engine components if B100 is used as the fuel. Because renewable diesel is chemically the same as petroleum diesel, it may be used in its pure formcalled R100as a drop-in fuel, or it can be blended with petroleum diesel and/or with biodiesel in various amounts. Biodiesel Blend Process. Biodiesel is most commonly sold in blends with normal diesel; B5, which is 5 percent biodiesel and 95-percent petroleum diesel, and B20, or 20 percent bio diesel. Biodiesel Blend Process. Click on "Guide to Buying Biodiesel." Biodiesel blends of B2 to B20 are most common. There are quite a few reputable suppliers in many states that manufacture and sell the B100 pure biodiesel. While the density required is between 0.86 and 0.90, values will typically fall between 0.88 and 0.90. During blending process, the laboratory scale blending machine was operated at 60C and the mixture . Chelsea Green, White River Junction, VT. Sheehan, J., V. Camobreco, J. Duffield, M. Graboski, and H. Shapouri. Since 1993, allowable sulfur was 500 ppm. Biodiesel is an alternative, renewable fuel with significant promise for addressing major energy problems. This eliminates the possibility of it settling at the bottom of the container. Methyl esters is the chemical name for biodiesel and glycerin is used in a variety of products, includingsoap. Biodiesel. EN 590:2004 allowed blends up to 5% of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in diesel fuel while EN 590:2009 increased the allowable FAME content to 7%. While biodiesel is not a "silver bullet" solution to our energy problems, it can provide 3 - 6 % of the energy required in this country. Biodiesel Blend Methods - Equipment - Supplies; Additive for biodiesel blends; Blending of Ethanol and Bio-Diesel; Project Information. Using biodiesel as a fuel: Brown, R. C. 2003. Blended biodiesel can be stored below ground in a majority of climates. It is very common to use air operated agitators in biodiesel production. B100 and High-Level Blends. In this work, an economical feedstock of WCO was used to produce biodiesel by transesterification process. Biodiesel production is the process of producing the biofuel, biodiesel, through the chemical reactions of transesterification and esterification. The use of biofuels holds real promise to: 1) decrease our country's dependency on foreign nations for energy; 2) improve environmental conditions; and 3) provide an additional income stream to the agricultural sector. Lubricity of a fuel is the ability of the fuel to provide lubrication to reduce wear between moving parts of the diesel engine. Insist on certification that the biodiesel meets ASTM D6751 standards. Biodiesel is an alternative, renewable fuel currently available that has a high overall positive life-cycle energy balance. Mixing occurs as the two products move through the pipe, or once it is loaded into its receiving container. In the U.S., soybean oil is used for about 90% of the biodiesel that is produced today. Storage is important for cold working as well. . COA B100 Comingled T-xxx. Biodiesel accounts for the majority of U.S. biomass-based diesel fuel use. In addition, the plants release beneficial oxygen into the environment. Any blend up to 50%, B50, will generally flow down to zero degrees. Procedures and Guidelines for Blending Biodiesel. For more information chat with us 917304745554 Transesterification is a reaction between the oil or animal fat with an alcohol and a catalyst. Compared to other biodiesel blends, the IDR10 blend has 2.3% less BSFC and 2.45% more BTE. B100 has a tendency to gel during cold weather as indicated by its higher cloud point and pour point temperatures than petrodiesel. It improves engine lubrication and increases engine life since it is virtually sulphur free. Raw vegetable oil cannot meet these diesel fuel specifications The better choices are canola, sunflower or corn; the less saturated an oil, the better for cold conditions, and combustibility. The system monitors the flow of diesel product and streams bio directly into the diesel product line on its way to the target. Unlike the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel . 20 th year of Indian BioDiesel Initiative Satish Lele 91-9403405715 Blending / Storage and Handling of BioDiesel & Diesel We leverage our global reach to source high-quality biodiesel fuel and feedstock from major producers. "Homegrown" energy source: Biofuels are derived from biological materials such as food crops, crop residues, forest residues, animal wastes, and landfills. Biodiesel and biodiesel blends can be used in all compression-ignition (CI) engines that were designed to be operated on diesel fuel. Even though crude vegetable oil could be used in the early diesel engines, modern diesel engines require the use of transesterified oil for long-term performance. Biodiesel production is a deceptively complex process, rather than a simple process at first sight, especially if you want to make quality biodiesel and a product that meets ASTM D 6751 specifications and not harm a diesel engine. [HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare However, using biodiesel results in a slight increase in the nitrogen oxides (NOx). Biodiesel Economics. While the density required is between 0.86 and 0.90, values will typically fall between 0.88 and 0.90. And, thats not all. Throughout the blending and refining process Noble tests for density, flashpoint, total contamination, oxidative stability, acid value, and free and total glycerin. Additives are available to prevent gelling, but gelling is generally not a problem for blends of B20 or lower. Biodiesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification whereby the glycerin is separated from the fat or vegetable oil. Using existing data, the EPA's biodiesel emissions analysis program sought to quantify the air pollution emission effects of biodiesel for diesel engines that have not been specifically modified to operate on biodiesel. Biodiesel holds such promise but certain precautions must be noted. B100 Blend Component. Skype 9016488407. cockroach prevention products B100 is seldom used as a fuel because of cost factors and availability. and therefore is not considered biodiesel. The invention provides a preparation method of biodiesel blending fuel, which comprises the following steps: weighing main fuel according to the parts by weight, and putting the main fuel into a mixing and stirring kettle, wherein the mixing temperature is 150-; weighing a combustion improver according to the parts by weight, adding the combustion improver into the mixed main fuel, wherein the . Soybean oil is extracted from soybeans by crushing and pressing the beans to expel the oil. industry by storm. If homogeneity cannot be determine through basic sampling, a density check on the sample is recommended. their home. Stainless Steel & Poly Plastic Mix Tanks & Systems. Blending and Switching with Diesel Fuel. For bottom loading, adequate fuel flow ensures that viscosity differences both fuels wont negatively impact the fuel blend. Production. Because renewable diesel is a drop-in fuel, . For example, a 20% blend of biodiesel with 80% diesel fuel is called B20. Even at low blends of B1 or B2, biodiesel provides environmental benefits and greatly improves the lubricity of low-sulfur diesel fuel. An air agitator speed can be simple adjusted by controlling the air flow, so this gives you good blending and process control depending on the liquid level and viscosity in the drum. Biodiesel blends meet specifications for legal diesel motor fuel (ASTM D7467). Chen and Chen 2011 have modeled rapeseed-based biodiesel of energy costs that were exploited. The most common biodiesel blend is B20, which ranges from 6% to 20% biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel. Copyright 2022 - BBI International - All rights reserved. ( 03-24-10. Then under the heading of Distributors, click on "Click here for a national map of biodiesel distributors." B100 Blend Component. The feedstock goes through a process called transesterification and consists of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). Instead, this advanced biofuel uses readily available,diverse resources. It is the nations first domestically produced, commercially available advanced biofuel. Since the soybean plant is a legume, a crop of soybeans requires less nitrogen fertilizer than required by some other renewable energy crops. Generally four methods are used to produce biodiesel from vegetable oils and animal fat. Biodiesel can be made from any plant oil, animal oil, or even used cooking oil. Iowa State Press, Ames, IA. LOW SHEAR MIXING and HIGH SHEAR HOMOGENIZING systems available to suit. The process leaves behind two products methyl esters andglycerin. We offer TOP ENTRY MIXERS, BOTTOM ENTRY MIXERS, and SIDE ENTRY AGITATORS depending on your process requirements. [REDIRECT_STATUS] => 200 The type of processes and equipment used to make the biodiesel is determined by the . Storage / Handling of Biodiesel to see latest tender of June 2022. to see Quantity Bidding for Procurement of Bio Diesel (B100: IS 15607-2022) at OMC locations as of July 2022. For B20 (20% biodiesel 80% standard diesel fuel) the ratio of biodiesel to petroleum based diesel fuel is 1 to 4. There are additives one can get to help the flow of biodiesel in very low temperatures. Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petrodiesel. The most reliable way to get up-to-date information is to check the website for the National Biodiesel Board. Make sure that you are buying biodiesel and not just crude, unprocessed vegetable oil. Array Biodiesels early growth was careful and deliberate, with a focus on sustainability for the industry. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Never purchase biodiesel or a biodiesel blend from a fuel dealer, jobber, or broker who cannot provide certification that the biodiesel meets the ASTM D-6751 standard. It enables users to inject biodiesel directly at the rack into the tank truck, similar to current performance fuel additives and red dye. He tests for metals every two hours throughout the process. 2) It is a carbon-neutral liquid, which means that the combustion of biodiesel never produces the net output of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide like other mineral diesel. This fact sheet provides a brief introduction to biodiesel , including a discussion of biodiesel blends, which blends are best for which vehicles, where to buy biodiesel , how biodiesel compares to diesel fuel in terms of performance, how biodiesel performs in cold weather, whether biodiesel use will plug vehicle filters, how long-term . The environment is a clear winner if more biodiesel fuel is used! Van Gerpen. The valorization of sustainable resources such as waste cooking oil (WCO) into biodiesel is estimated to decrease the total cost of the transesterification process by two to three folds [10, 13, 14] and solve the environmental problems caused by the uncontrolled disposal of WCO [1, 15]. Blending Biodiesel is mixing conventional petroleum diesel with biodiesel to give a biodiesel blend which can be added in any proportion to the petro-diesel [6]. Some people have reported successful use of filtered and clarified crude vegetable oil as a diesel fuel supplement. Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions (e.g., B20 reduces CO2 by 15%): Fossil fuels when burnt release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that raises the temperature and . In all cases, blends should be confirmed with a density check to ensure they meet product specifications. The same is true for biodiesel and biodiesel blends. D396 B0-B5 Petroleum Burner Fuel T-xxx. Acceptable storage tank materials are fluorinated polyethylene, fluorinated polypropylene or Teflon. Biodiesel is typically manufactured through a process called "trans-esterification." This process uses an industrial alcohol (typically methanol, sometimes ethanol) and a catalyst (sodium methylate, can be sodium hydroxide) to convert the base plant oil or animal fat into a fatty-acid mono-alkyl ester fuel (biodiesel), with glycerin as a byproduct. The fuel should be stored in a clean, dry, dark environment. The SOx are practically eliminated with the use of B100. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel (hereafter referred to as "petrodiesel"). The biodiesel flashpoint is 300F (149C) which is relatively safe for most situations. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Biodiesel is a blend For starters, biodiesel is closer to a blend than a traditional fuel. Cold weather preparation is important when storing conventional distillates. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel (hereafter referred to as "petrodiesel"). or fuel standard under which it can be used. Biodiesel is an important energy source. produced, but also about the economic benefits to the US. Biodiesel Blends; Use of Biodiesel Blends over 5% (B5) Mixed Blends; Process. In 2018, the US biodiesel industry produced 2.6 billion gallons of biodiesel. Before 1993, the allowable sulfur level in diesel fuel was 5,000 parts per million (ppm). Tests have shown that the cancer-causing potential of particulate matter from pure biodiesel is about 94% less than that from petrodiesel. For hundreds of years, long before the advent of diesel engines, a similar process was used for soap-making with the biodiesel liquid fraction discarded as a waste by-product. CATANOX Biodiesel Additive is a certified additized Biodiesel product engineered to deliver lower NOx emissions and excellent engine performance at a competitive price. [HTTP_CONNECTION] => Keep-Alive Biodiesel production summary. Being slightly heavier than conventional distillates, we recommend that biodiesel be loaded second on top. [HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS] => 1 A typical soybean yield of 50 bushels per acre results in the production of about 60 - 75 gallons of B100 and about 1.1 tons of soybean meal per acre. [HTTPS] => on D975 B0-B5 Petroleum Engine Fuel T-xxx. Today, the U.S. imports 60% of all the oil that is used for our domestic consumption, whereas as recently as 35 years ago, the U.S. imported just 30%. EN 16709, introduced in 2015, covers B20 and B30 blends for use by captive fleets. As one of the worlds leading biodiesel fuel suppliers, Targray is well-positioned to help guide and support international shipping companies seeking to reach their sustainability targets through the use of marine biodiesel fuel. The fuel injection systems used today are especially vulnerable to gum deposits if the oil is not properly transesterified. Biodiesel is produced by mixing the feedstock oil (usually soybean oil in the U.S.), with methyl or ethyl alcohol, and a lye catalyst (sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide).
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