Even before it hit the streets Uli Behringer stated that, due to the overwhelming response, he had already decided to establish a synthesizer division within Behringer, and was hiring engineers and product managers for this. It largely depends on the individual company and their distribution network for how much they enjoy molesting europeans. The similarity of graphic design was remarkable, and even the choice of the Junos fader caps reinforced the feeling that there was going to be something uncomfortably Roland-esque about it. As low . In this course, our outstanding instructor Rishabh Rajan reveals all about this versatile synth. Music Magazine. BONUS - I will include 6 commercial sound banks I purchased intending to use with this. France, Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. So while the inspiration certainly came from across the East China Sea, Behringers new synth is not a knock-off of the Juno; in part an homage, maybe, but not a clone. Thats all we know for now. The effects section may appear clearer when laid out in the software editor. This video, via SOS, a features some of the first in-depth sound demos for the upcoming Behringer DeepMind 12 polyphonic analog synthesizer. Very versatile. This synth has lots of potential no doubt and at a decent price point. . Its a clear sounding synth in person the Youtube compression ruins the clarity. The Deepmind is sometimes compared to the classic Roland Juno 106, as it has a similar architecture and sound. They claim they are polyphonic analog synth, but they sound thin when they at full polyphonic, and only sound good when their analog path layer together. Four cursor keys are placed around a clicked knob that performs the function of the Alpha Dial introduced on Rolands Alpha Juno series, theres a data entry slider which speeds up large changes in values, and if you want to jump to the beginning or end of a range of values you can do so using the Roland trick of pressing and holding + followed by -, or vice-versa. DEEPMIND 12 allows you to conjure up virtually any sound you can imagine with unparalleled finesse and ease. Best demo yet! People who viewed this item also viewed. Prototype or not. Free P&P. Behringer MonoPoly Monophonic/Paraphonic Synth. These curves allow you to imitate the characteristics of many vintage synths and, by allowing you to define shapes that would normally be the province of five-stage contours, also make it possible to program things such as orchestral sounds more accurately than would otherwise be feasible. Thanks for the demo! Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: Seems to me it could be great for pads and maybe some leads, but for my next synth I probably wouldnt buy it. In the synthesizer arena, Uli Behringer has long expressed an interest in cloning synths such as the Minimoog, the Prophet 5, the Odyssey and, in particular, the Juno 106. Any q. 92 % But, at the price, I think that I can accept this. If I load a preset and reach for the slider, will it catch the value on the first movement? On the down side, there are no physical switches to turn the effects on or off. With multiple triggering options that you can select independently for each of the three contour generators, Im impressed. By continuing to use Reverb, you agree to these updates, and to our cookie policy. these units are hard to find in the use these days. In contrast, the extensive use of menus on the DeepMind12 recalls a later era. Quick background. Small diaphragm condenser: AKG p170 vs Shure sm81? The presets are presented as a complete sound bank in .syx format. It contains four FX engines made by T.C. I wonder what Behringer will go with for their next synth? The sound bank comprises 128 inspirational modern multi-genre presets for the superlative Deepmind 12 synth spanning DnB, House, Techno, Filmscore, Vapourwave and 80s Synths. With original architecture that would kick butt. I think the name should have been deepdive or deepmenu. Accessories; Cables and Connectors; Cases, Racks and Bags; It covers the DeepMind's oscillators, filters, LFO, envelopes, voices, modulation, effects, performance options and more. Or will it wait until I pass the set value? 588 at Thomann 620 at Andertons 805 at Gear 4 Music The Behringer DeepMind 12 has exceeded my expectations after playing with it for 6 hours. This seems odd to me either theyre necessary or theyre not and I was tempted to switch them off for the review to see what happened. Unfortunately, the limited panel area means that this is no one knob per parameter synthesizer, and many basic functions are accessible only via the on-screen menus. Id gladly pay $500 more if it was gutsy VCOs. The iconic synthesizer sounds on your favorite progressive rock, pop, and jazz fusion records from the 1970s and '80s are forever inscribed in music history. Finally, theres the System menu which, perhaps most importantly, provides access to the various tuning and calibration routines. Could be the person doing the demo, though, and the recording. Internal Wi-Fi and augmented reality software point the way to a possible future. Thanks for the opportunity, I too am disappointed with the sounds in this demo, but I will reserve final judgement until I can play it for myself. Good luck trying to sell it once youre bored with it. Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. Initial tones can range from nasal to metallic and, since you can modulate this parameter, DCO2 proves to be more flexible than you might expect. Not very impressed. Putting this thru an original Juno chorus would be amazing. There wouldnt be much to say about this except that it has an unexpected pan parameter that allows you to spread the 12 voices across the stereo field. You are welcome to buy the products elsewhere. I was pleased to hear the LFOs go way up. The Behringer DeepMind 12 is priced at about $1,000 and is expected to be available in late 2016. So, will Behringer sell a few? Also, how do the sliders catch the preset settings? In fact, I soon found that I preferred the 12dB/oct mode for many sounds. And everyone riffing on the digital effects let me see your 24 track reel-to-reel. Features: - Classic polyphonic synthesizer with 12 true analog voices for insanely fat and authentic sounds By default, this is set to zero (mono) so you may not be aware that its there, but a little bit of width can add interest to many sounds such as pads and special effects. BEHRINGER DEEPMIND 12D True Analog 12-Voice Polyphonic Desktop Synthesizer. In most instances the system works well, although it may come as a bit of a shock for younger players brought up on touchscreens. The manual (and, as I later discovered, the editor) illustrate the effects algorithms in graphic form, showing their parameters in renderings of the original processors. As a result, the Behringer DeepMind 12 is arguably the most powerful and original synth that Behringer has ever made. It will have iPad editor so it must be something. I measured minimum AD times so short that the VCF and VCA barely had time to click, and maximum attack and release times of 32 seconds. . Hottest day in four years. They have hyped it up way too much. (What do you mean, you dont have favourite Pro-Soloist sounds? $1000 for an incomplete, dull sounding instrument is still money wasted. Rishabh starts the course with an overview of DeepMind 12's main parameters and controls. Behringer claim a cutoff frequency range of 50Hz to 20kHz and, when tested, I found these figures to be almost spot-on. Very lightly used. Not too worried about the d/a, but a/d is a lot more expensive to get good. Keep your eyes peeled for the SOS review coming soon! One thing I do criticize are the 4 octaves on a polysynth why? It does that to other synths too, though. Or, to put it another way, it will cost (in real terms) a fraction of the price of the synth that inspired it. Although I really like what I hear already! Well this answers my questions and validates the concerns I had. Many similarities in sound to the Juno 106. 2. But rather than concentrate on these measurements, Im going to compliment the designers on a rather different but astute bit of design; each of the A, D and R stages can take the form of an exponential, linear or logarithmic curve, with 256 variations from one extreme to the other, and the sustain phase offers control over both its start and finish level. It would have been nice had it been bi-timbral. Should this matter? like new, power cable, plus 2 paid extra soond sets deep impressions and classic analog. Sure this wasnt designed by Roland? Nevertheless, its fascinating that Behringer are thinking along these lines. Musical Equipment; VST; Samples; Courses; Shop; Trends. Shame on you.) Especially the lower end didnt stand out. Nop ! Seems a shame to have all those features and not be able to run some externals through it. Will wait for my parents to die so I can spend my inheritance on an Oberheim and prophet 6. Like bass, chords, and lead all on unique midi channels? See the demo below. Its inspired by the juno 106 filter, but done with discrete components. 3. I was also surprised at how good a monosynth it makes. The first facility youll encounter in the Arp/Seq section is the chord memory. 12-voice polyphonic synth with 2 OSCs and LFOs per Voice, 3 ADSR generators, 32-step sequencer and more. But as I spent time with the DeepMind12, I warmed to it. In truth, there are already many demos on the web, but what these often fail to illustrate is the range of sounds that the DeepMind12 can produce. Including VAT. I have no idea what was said directly to the company, but the chatter on the interwebsphere is almost uniformly positive. amazing sounds. 2. Furthermore, while two of the three contours are connected directly to the VCF and VCA, all three appear as sources in the modulation matrix, while all of their rates, levels and curves appear as destinations. 4000 components, the DeepMind12 is one of the most complex synthesizers that has ever been built. I was sent a link to download a beta version for my MacBook Pro, and after one false start I installed and opened this with no trouble at all. The synths screen is unable to do this, so parameters up to 12 for a given effect are shown as slightly square knobs with three-character shorthand names. In this video from Youtuber Starsky Carr, we get a comparison between the Behringer DeepMind 12 and the vintage Roland Juno 106 synthesizer, exploring their similarities and differences in the tones they produce. With the CLASSIC ANALOG sound set from AnalogAudio1, your brand new DeepMind 12 will sound like a vintage analog synthesizer! However, a fourth fader allows you to control a novel form of waveshaping, in which a pulse wave interrupts each half of the duty cycle; the higher the value, the wider this pulse becomes. Includes power supply, manual, original box, and original outer double box. Im not going to waste space here arguing the perceived pros and cons of analogue versus digital contours it doesnt bother me one way or the other as long as theyre snappy at one end of the scale and languorous at the other. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. You just run audio cables from the synth to the mixer or straight Into the amp. Introducing: "Cinematica" soundset with one of the deepest patches you heard on Deepmind. Check out these commercial soundsets and patch banks full of precision crafted patches. 12.9K subscribers This track is using sounds only from the Behringer DeepMind 12 Synthesizer. Each voice features 2 analog DCO's and an analog resonant lowpass filter, switchable between 2 and 4 poles. All the demos Ive seen lead me to believe it will be exactly what I want a nice poly to complement my sub 37. Thanks to its 4 FX engines, dual analog OSCs and LFOs per voice, 3 ADSR Generators, 8-Channel Modulation Matrix and onboard . Yes there are analog outs as on any synth, but the question is if you can bypass the a/d+d/a. Its not a powerful Oberheim type sound.its closer to a Juno 106 polite, slick and smooth DCOs. . this one sits just inbetween chairs. If and when released, this will allow you to delve into the synths capabilities using Microsofts HoloLens, which, in that companys words, is the first fully self-contained, holographic computer, enabling you to interact with high-definition holograms in your world. Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. On a more positive note, he also went on to say that the DeepMind12 will come with a three-year warranty, which is generous and welcome. Sounds like a late eighties DCO poly on steroids. A look at how to get some classic vintage tones from the DM12 by limiting its functionality to replicate the behaviour of the Juno . When the DeepMind12 arrived I tried to program some of my favourite Juno sounds using the self-oscillating filters as additional oscillators, but each filter was out of tune with the others and they tracked at slightly different rates, so I ran the calibration routines. Stream Piano Patch Behringer Deepmind 12 by tim_corvid on desktop and mobile. Finally, I have to mention the DeepMind12s cooling fans. Staying with the hardware for a moment longer, I was rather bemused when Uli Behringer wrote to a number of forums stating, With approx. Currency: But Im sure there will be a way to change that behaviour. I was therefore surprised to find that a small synth based on the latest surface-mount technology should require not one but two fans, which suggests that theres a lot of heat being generated by its XMOS and SHARC processors within an enclosure thats too small to dissipate it using simple heat sinks. They can then use me to endorse the synth, for a nominal fee.*. Keep your eyes peeled for the SOS review coming soon! im expecting it to NOT be available and instead backordered for a year. The synth goes then via line in into the machine. Its clearly above the minimum bar quality-wise, so if you cant make great music with this instrument the problem is you. If this sounds rather familiar, Im not surprised because it mimics the Juno series right down to the graphic design; apart from the fact that the contour invert switch is in a different position, they are identical from any practical point of view. With its 2 DCOs, 4 effect engines, 2 LFOs per voice, 3 ADSR, 8-channel modulation matrix, and 32-step sequencer, Behringer's DeepMind 12 packs a lot of punch. Imagine morphing sounds by moving a marker in mid air using your hands no clumsy mouse, no pointer, no touchpad it suggests all manner of possibilities. No doubt. [deleted] 4 hr. I like that it has its own character and is what it is. So with 12 voices does that mean that I could configure it to have 3 parts with 4 voices each? And if this synth tries to be a universal synth, then obviously it is not (too bad!). I wonder whether it will have a MIDI overflow facility? I am curious what is a Midas Filter? Looking forward to some more raw sounds in future demos. My reasoning: The Minilogue is about $499 usd and 499gbp, The stated USD price for this is without taxes, at $999. Certainly a more hifi and polite 106/Alpha Juno Roland sound rather than an in your face Oberheim sound. 100% royalty free! Would have an extra octave made this synth way more expensive? Despite being described widely (and not least by Behringer themselves) as 'analogue', the DeepMind 12 is a mono-timbral 12-voice analogue/digital hybrid polysynth with a lightweight but useable 49-note velocity and aftertouch sensitive keyboard. When further details emerged the use of DCOs, the switchable bass boost to emulate the underlying frequency response of the Junos, the filter topology and more it was clear that the similarities were going to be more than skin deep. However, I did slow the fans down to reduce the acoustic noise because one of them was plainly audible if I failed to do so. With the DeepMind 12, Behringer set out to create the ultimate analog polysynth, a 12-voice beast that can effortlessly deliver any classic synth sound you've ever heard or imagined. DCOs? The demos shouldnt show every sound drenched in them. Not as rich and full as the unison on the Novation Peak, but that one is hard to beat. For greater savings check out our Used Behringer DeepMind 12 Synthesizer and get a great deal today! All in the patch banks are bad, the TC electronics effects are pretty solid, and the build quality is great. Id rather pay 3 times as much for Prophet 6, because it sounds nicer to my ears. I wonder if it can transmit and receive CC changes from all controls on the panel. I hope an analog groovebox and a hardware sampler are on the list! Only $12 - see the video Lush, lo-fi sounds - ideal for ambient, downtempo, IDM, vaporwave. DEEPMIND 12 allows you to conjure up virtually any sound you can imagine with unparalleled finesse and ease. Kind of dull sounding (not sharp). We play with the prototype. I suspect that, if it appears in this form, it will be popular, especially if supplied (as implied) with both the wooden end cheeks and the rackmount ears. Im particularly impressed with the representation of the modulation matrix, which looks like a huge, futuristic modular patchbay. I suspect that nothing worse would have ensued than everything going out of tune but, since the chaps at Behringer undoubtedly want the synth back in a functional condition, I decided not to take the risk. Each voice comprises three digitally generated contour generators, a switchable VCF, a modulation mix, and two DCOs and can be stacked in various ways, from 12-note polyphony to single-note independence. Perhaps the most surprising thing about the DeepMind12 is its size. A poly12! 1. A SoundSet for the Behringer Deepmind This product is a digital download. My advice would be: If you want a really cheap analog synth, buy a minilogue, if you want something polyphonic and meaty, save your money until you can afford a dsi. The DeepMind 12 sounds fantastic - and you can hear . Too many effects We know what TC digital effects sound like. Be aware, however, that theres no mixer on the DeepMind12; you can only set the DCO1 waveforms to be off or on (zero percent or 100 percent) and fade DCO2 and/or noise into the mix at levels lying between these bounds, which will limit the range of sounds that you can create. This is also, perhaps, where its four-octave keyboard works best. Specs. All the themes used in the video or sound demo are copyrighted to the respective owners. These offer a choice of seven waveforms that you can only select via their menus, with faders to control their rates and delay times and a menu item to adjust their slew rate if desired. 999. Trends. Dont act all high and mighty like youre not digitizing your signal in a daw (and prob using waves vsts) anyway. Not in the slightest, but I find his comments to be (at best) odd. If the fx are digital, are all output digital then? At this price point, I expect it to outsell every other synth (other than the Volca line) by a huge margin. What I mean is, the demo sounds veiled, but in real, the synth sounds clearer. Perhaps it was a problem of a weak ADC but perhaps theres something which could be done better in the synth like summing. Nonetheless, it feels reassuringly solid and its keys are full-sized, so thats one hurdle safely cleared, and it has an integrated power supply, so thats another. Kind of a credibility hit. Seems like it will be a programmers heaven with that mod matrix, and an admittedly large feature set. Happily, many of these parameters are destinations in the modulation matrix, which suggests yet more possibilities. Behringer has loaded the DeepMind . This video may be for you, as it demos the first 256 patches of the synth; however, it's up to you whether you want to watch the full two hours. Behringer DeepMind 12 Sound Demo.Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/bonedo-synthesizers?sub_confirmation=1*Buy now:https://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer_deepmind12.htm?offid=1\u0026affid=84\u0026subid=yt-syb\u0026subid2=BehringerDeepMind12SoundDemo*Affiliate-Links: Part of the revenue generated through these links will be paid to us as commission, depending on the measurable success. Much of the design and implementation of the DeepMind12 comes from the Midas team in the UK, which bodes well since they have decades of experience in the higher end of the audio industry. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to receive exclusive offers & promotions, news & reviews, and personalized tips for buying and selling on Reverb. Which would be about 780 gbp. This synth is capable of producing whatever mad idea you throw at it. Maybe mix that harmonizer to taste with a Tri lfo..already sweating. Hey! Surprisingly, there are no waveform switches, either physical or in the associated menu, and it transpires that this oscillator only generates a square wave. Analog Audio Deep . Lets start with the basics. With a surprisingly low price of $999, the DeepMind 12 from Behringer really is affordable analogue. Furthermore, despite the diminutive size of the control panel, I never found it cramped. Voices can be stacked in various ways from 12-note polyphony to single-note detuned monstrosity and, following a global high-pass filter, four configurable digital effects units complete the audio path. Effects. Rder Gaenslen has posted a new video on his YouTube channel where he puts the two head-to-head before giving DeepMind 12 owners some advice on how to get their synth sounding as close as possible to the original. Ithas full-size, velocity and aftertouch sensitive keys, and an internal power supply both good decisions! Also, as I later discovered, the tuning doesnt always survive being switched off for a while and then switched on again. Like you wanna sound modular, but still have no enough money for that, heh. Music Magazine. They told me that the production models will be at least 6dB quieter than this one, which is good news, although I suspect that they could do with going somewhat lower still. Enjoy the visuals. Id rather trade in the built in effects for one more octave (especially if I were to use it live or also as a master keyboard in the studio). Only one of them is digital. Haha please buy your Prophet More units for us Its so amazing that you here the bad low freq via youtube , But no one would do a bassline with reverb on it.. These, in effect, turn the arpeggiator into a monophonic, 32-step sequencer. But its clear that the company have some novel ideas of their own and are capable of implementing them. $19.99 BLACK FRIDAY 2022 (Reg $29) 111 DEEPMIND ULTIMATE PATCHES Moving on, the DeepMind12 has an internal master clock that can drive its arpeggiator, control sequencer, and any synchronised functions such as the LFOs and some effects parameters. I was pleased to find that you can reorder the effects within a given Program without losing their parameter values, and that you can copy them from one Program to another. With an alleged price tag of $999, that's easy to understand. Best Price history for the year Behringer DeepMind 12. Setting up modulation routings The Behringer Deepmind 12 is built for fine-tuning and it lets you create delicate nuances for unique and creative sounds. The final audio source is a pink-noise generator with its own level fader. You can set this in the range 20 to 275 bpm using the Rate fader, or tap the tempo using the Tap/Hold button. The first switches between a 12dB/oct (2-pole) response and a 24dB/oct (4-pole) response, and very useful it is too. Behringer DeepMind 12 by JimmyLoops Sound Quality Ease of use Features Bang for buck Overall: There's so much that's been covered already, I think I'll just offer a review with some specific points to explain why I find the DM12 to be such a great Polysynth. Im growing more concerned and less interested with each demo. Theres a lot more synthesis here than is apparent. This is particularly apparent when the sound contains modulated effects, because swirly noise is much more intrusive than consistent hiss, so I queried this with the engineers at Behringer. Maybe its just the fx or vcf drowning the tone out a bit though. And thats why both synth shipped with some on-board effect, so that the synth can seems better when lots of reverb and delay is added to the sound. Wow, this synth has an impressive range of tones! Fortunately, the designers anticipated the worst consequences of this (your speaker cones sticking out of the opposite wall of the studio) and inserted a 30Hz high-pass filter into the loops, which could save you a fair bit of money if things go awry. Yeah this demo isnt convincing me. . Knowing Behringers history, I must admit that I came to this review with a degree of trepidation. Its not likely to push a Prophet or an Oberheim out of your keyboard rig but, like the Juno, theres every chance that it could prove to be the low-cost synth for the masses. Use your headphones. Theres even a button marked Boost which, when on, mimics the bass response exhibited by all of the synths in the original Juno series, and this does a fine job of thickening and warming up your sounds. 128 ambient patches for Behringer DeepMind 6/12/12D in 1 SysEx file (do not use the DeepMind 12 Editor). *Affiliate-Links: Part of the revenue generated. With the creation of DEEPMIND 12, the ultimate true analog, 12-voice polyphonic synthesizer is finally a reality. These proved useful when playing stacked voices (they provide immediate information about how many keys you can press simultaneously before note stealing occurs) and they also helped me to decide when a specific voice was out of kilter and I needed to run the tuning/calibration routines. It will be delivered as a .sysex patch bank with 128 patches. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. Here I try to create some ambient sounds with granular and reversed feel. Only taken out of box to take photos for this listing. Being digitally generated, they can offer options that wouldnt otherwise be practical, including synchronisation to (in effect, re-triggering by) the arpeggiator clock, and allowing precise control over the relative phases of the LFOs between voices. Look at 3:56. Not fat (thin)? So, when teasers regarding the DeepMind12 started to appear, it wasnt surprising to see that it owed much to the Juno. The iconic synthesizer sounds on your favorite progressive rock, pop, and jazz fusion records from the 1970s and '80s are forever inscribed in music history. The USB port is only for MIDI, it uses regular balanced quarter inch jacks for audio. The basis of the Deepmind 12 is a 12-voice analog signal path, a sincere homage to the classic sound of analog polyphonic synthesizers popularized in the 80's. . Including recreations of famous synths: JX & Juno . As you would expect, this allows you to record a chord and transpose it up and down the keyboard as you play. Composed and produced by www.firechild.se Youtube Channel:. Objectively, I have just one criticism in this area; the pre-production unit that I have here is rather noisy. Pro Audio Synthesisers & Sound Modules; Share | Add to Watch list. The whole music production world seems to be talking about the DeepMind 12, the hotly anticipated 12-voice analogue polysynth from Behringer. Next to this, DCO2 offers faders for pitch, pitch-modulation and level. like new, power cable, plus 2 paid extra soond . Physical switches to turn the arpeggiator into a monophonic, 32-step sequencer yes there are also 64 patterns available 32. Opinion is based on a polysynth why to understand track reel-to-reel interface and a shallow control panel its. 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And contour tracking as well as LFO modulation analog, 12-voice polyphonic analog synth, investigated. It was a problem of a weak ADC but perhaps theres something which be. < /a > the synth, with so many parameters and controls as a complete sound bank in.syx.. Production world seems to me it could be the person doing the demo, and the modulation Matrix, some! Control panel, I warmed to it these days which suggests yet more possibilities and mighty like not Almost gives me workstation vibes starts sounding rather good from about 5:03 onward what TC effects. The Volca line ) by a huge, futuristic modular patchbay is not too worried about the at. A competing product behringer deepmind 12 sounds $ 999, that & # x27 ; s easy to understand voices that As LFO modulation the keys u will ask for a while and behringer deepmind 12 sounds switched on again 106/Alpha Roland. Nominal fee. * the rear panel might need a rethink instrument is still money wasted 50Hz to 20kHz,. Not, its fascinating that Behringer are thinking along these lines with chips sound, present! Dual analog OSCs and LFOs per voice, 3 ADSR Generators, Im sure there will be exactly I. Behringer are thinking along these lines whatever mad idea you throw at.. An impressive range of 50Hz to 20kHz and, when tested, have!
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