Learning to cope with stress is a beneficial skill for a nursing career and life ahead. 2020;71:102211. The levels of stress and anxiety may vary during students' educational training, depending on . Psychological effects of the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong on high-risk health care workers. Contemp Nurse. RESULTS : Students perceived moderate level of stress, most commonly attributed to assignments and workload, teachers and nursing staff, peers and daily life, and taking care of patients. Gender, lack of PPE, and fear of infection were significantly associated with a higher anxiety score. Coping behavior Study conception and design. Br J Health Psychol. J Ment Heal. Almost all had moderate to high levels of knowledge, attitude and skill toward COVID-19 prevention and protection. Coping with a stress . MeSH 8 0 obj As for the domains or strategies used to cope with stress, in our study, the use of certain strategies, such as problem solving and cognitive restructuring, were considered to be predictors of less stress, whereas the use of wishful thinking appeared as a predictive factor of greater stress. 2017;26:47180. Perceived stress and coping strategies among newly nurse students in clinical practice. Binary logistic regression analysis was also employed to examine the associations between different coping styles/ strategies (treated as independent variables) and both, health anxiety level and perceived stress level (treated as outcome variables) using median splits. Nursing Students in Crisis Mode: Fluctuations in Anxiety During the COVID-19-Related Lockdown. Accessed 9 Sep 2020. In our study, we found that individuals who were characterized by a preference for certain coping strategies reported significantly higher perceived stress and/or health anxiety than those who used other coping methods. Research on stress levels among health professionals is an issue of current interest that merits concern [1]. Anxiety, perceived stress and coping strategies in nursing students: a cross-sectional, correlational, descriptive study, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-020-02294-z, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2014.11.008, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. The Health Anxiety Inventory: development and validation of scales for the measurement of health anxiety and hypochondriasis. Nursing students' perceived stress and coping behaviors in clinical training in Saudi Arabia. Anxiety score by reported concern regarding the risk to become infected. Int J Nurs Stud. See Figs. Google Scholar Company 2015;23:538. A reference to the original document from which this one is derived. In terms of the relationship between perceived stress and coping strategies, our findings indicate that among these three domains (problem solving, cognitive restructuring and social support) an inverse correlation exists, indicating that people who suffer less stress, will use these strategies more often. Chen Y-W, Hung C-H. Predictors of Taiwanese baccalaureate nursing students physiopsycho-social responses during clinical practicum. 2011;12:191213. Google Scholar. In: The social psychology of health. Perceived stress, reasons for and sources of stress among medical students at Rabigh Medical College, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The CSI has 40 items, each item on the CSI may be scored using a 5-point Likert format (scores from 0 to 4), with the total score ranging from 0 to 160. (Table4). 2016;8(1):4653. Although there have been several studies about the mental health of hospital workers during the COVID-19 pandemic or other epidemics (e.g., SARS, MERS) [26,27,28,29], only a few studies from recent literature assessed the general populations coping strategies. In this version of the PSS, the responses were evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale (04) to mark how typical a particular behavior was for a respondent in the last month [35]. The effect of religious coping on the relationship between anxiety over emotional expression, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Facts and Figures. As per the 26-item WCQ, responses were scored on a 4-point Likert scale (from 0=does not apply and/or not used to 3=used a great deal). However, significant differences were identified in relation to anxiety state (p=.002). authorInfo 2022 Jul;17(3):296-301. doi: 10.1016/j.teln.2022.04.005. Besides, anxiety values for women were found to be higher than for men in several studies [44, 48,49,50]. In the evaluation of SHAI, the scoring of the two questionnaires are different. Brtolo A. Among the remaining 1289 participants, 948 (73.5%) and 341 (26.5%) were Hungarian and international students, respectively. Gamonal Limcaoco RS, Mateos EM, Fernndez JM, Roncero C. Anxiety, worry and perceived stress in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, March 2020. orcid For the Hungarian students, the Hungarian version of the SHAI was used. Amendment of PDF/A standard The mean PSS score was 17.02 (SD 4.06), and more than 80% had a certain level of stress. The mean age of participants was 20.713.89years (range 1846years). Conversely, high levels of stress can have a negative influence on students, leading to depression and despair, and therefore affecting students health and academic level [10]. The results showed that the international womens health anxiety (W=11,810; p=0.012) and perceived stress (W=10,371; p<0.001) levels were both significantly higher than international mens values. the self-reliance strategy, "trying to make their own decisions" (62%); the social support strategies, "apologizing to people" (59.6%), "trying to help other people solve their problems" (56.3%), and "trying to keep up friendships or make new friends" (54.4%); the spiritual strategy, "praying" (65.8%); the seeking diversions strategy, "listening Sun Y, Wang D, Han Z, Gao J, Zhu S, Zhang H. J Korean Acad Nurs. XMP Media Management Schema GTS_PDFXConformance Stronger resilience and usage of humor were associated with significantly lower anxiety levels, while mental disengagement with higher anxiety levels. 2020;37:70614. The practical training of a nurses education has been reported to be much more stressful than academic training. We summarize the total number of studies reporting each coping mechanism and each specific stress coping strategy. The fifth model explained 66.1% of the variance in perceived stress, representing the model with the best fit. The results displayed a significant correlation for the total on the PSS and the state STAI (r=.463, p<.01) and for the total PSS and the trait STAI (r=.718, p<.01). 2020;17:1729. In the post hoc tests, there were significant differences everywhere (p<0.001) except between stress reduction and passive coping (p=0.089) and between problem analysis and passive coping (p=0.034). endobj Link Google Scholar; Rasha M., Haya A. Grgen SM, Hiller W, Witthft M. Health anxiety, cognitive coping, and emotion regulation: a latent variable approach. Participants provided data on background characteristics and completed the following instruments: the Perceived Stress Scale; the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Coping Behavior Inventory. Text Anxiety in students was significantly more before the examination compared to after the examination. In our research study, we aimed to examine the levels of perceived stress and health anxiety as well as coping styles among university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. -. internal Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Edwards H, Smith S, Courtney M, Finlayson K, Chapman H. The impact of clinical placement location on nursing students competence and preparedness for practice. Moreover, because the PSS contained a different number of items in English and Hungarian versions (10 items vs 14 items), we looked at the average score of the answers so that we could compare international and domestic students. PubMedGoogle Scholar. This scale has satisfactory psychometric properties with Cronbach's alpha for the factors ranged from 0.74 to 0.81[36]. URI Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The results showed a significant correlation for perceived stress and state anxiety (r= 0.463, p<.000) and also for . Disord. Among Hungarian students, there were significant differences between the groups in stress (2(3)=212.01; p<0.001) and health anxiety (2(3)=80.32; p<0.001). Our study was conducted at the University of Debrecen, which is one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary. Hbd`af`ddrvsw*/rL) 0K1176462 !CI=?dx~' j!fF 2013;27:6878. Srlie T, Sexton HC. Among the Hungarians, it was Passive coping I tried to take sedatives or medications and Stress reduction I staked everything upon a single cast, I started to do something risky to have the lowest-ranked responses. A structure containing the characteristics of a font used in a document The target population of our study was students at the University of Debrecen. Lazarus R, Folkman S. Stress, appraisal, and coping. 2018;18:29. XMP Paged-Text Background For many nursing students, clinical training represents a stressful experience. The State Anxiety Scale (S-Anxiety) evaluates the current state of anxiety, whereas the Trait Anxiety Scale (T-Anxiety) evaluates relatively stable aspects of anxiety proneness, including general states of calmness, confidence, and security [21]. DerivedFrom Up to 100% of the students who displayed severe anxiety in the state STAI were in specialized services Table 2. Correspondence to Boston: Hogrefe Publishing; 2008. internal -. See this image and copyright information in PMC. 2020;20:124. Nursing teachers and clinical preceptors/mentors should be encouraged to develop programs to help prepare nursing students to cope with the challenges they are about to face during their clinical placements. In our present study, we aimed at assessing the levels of health anxiety, perceived stress, and coping styles among university students amidst the COVID-19 lockdown in Hungary, using three validated assessment tools for each domain. http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/ 2010;66:44255. The total mean score of the test for students in their second year was 21.308.65 and the total mean score for students in their third year was 24.408.16, the statistical analysis was significant (p=0.009) (Table3). 2022 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. The accepted confidence interval was 95% and the significance level for all analyses was set at p<.05; moreover, with the significant correlation between the perceived stress scale and the STAI and CSI a hierarchical regression model was applied to assess the independent variables that contributed significantly to the variance in the score on the PSS. uuid:98c9e308-6af1-4b64-b970-56e1f4e14691 Furthermore, the stress scores ranged from 5 to 47 out of a possible 56. Alberts NM, Hadjistavropoulos HD, Jones SL, Sharpe D. The Short Health Anxiety Inventory: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The results showed a significant correlation for perceived stress and state anxiety (r = 0.463, p < .000) and also for trait anxiety (r = 0.718, p < .000). Also, emotion-focused coping strategies are directed at managing emotional distress [24]. In the validation study, the Hungarian 14-item PSS has shown satisfactory internal consistency with a Cronbachs alpha of 0.88 [35]. For the fourth model anxiety trait (=.486, t=8.98, p<.01), wishful thinking (=.269, t=5.72, p<.01), cognitive restructuring (=.215, t=4.75, p<.01), and anxiety state (=.162, t=3.30, p<.05) were significant variables, and the adjustment was: F (4, 191) 86.44, p<.01. Roddenberry A, Renk K. Locus of control and self-efficacy: potential mediators of stress, illness, and utilization of health services in college students. Participants must have been present in the classroom when the researcher visited to collect data. If there is an imbalance between these two evaluation processes, then stress occurs, because the personal resources are not enough to cope with the stressors demands [23]. In the current study, the coping strategy most frequently used by students was problem-solving, followed by social support and cognitive restructuring. An official website of the United States government. Bag Font Cohen S. Perceived stress in a probability sample of the United States. [12], these differences regarding stress levels over the course of professional training should be considered with caution, as different programs exist in each country. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Being a woman, low income, and living with other people all were associated with higher stress levels [18]. The levels of stress and anxiety may vary during students' educational training, depending on their ability to adopt behavioral strategies for coping with stress, and other factors. In: Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. 1998;2:27199. -, Adriaenssens J, Hamelink A, Van Bogaert P. Predictors of occupational stress and well-being in first-line nurse managers: a cross-sectional survey study. -, Beiter R. The prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, and stress in a sample of college students. The preoccupation is disproportionate or excessive if there is a high risk of developing a medical condition (e.g., family history) or the patient has another medical condition. This included items such as age, gender, relationship status, academic year of the nursing degree etc. 2020;103:23919. The 26-item WCQ [31] contains a seeking support subscale which is missing from the Hungarian 16-item WCQ [32]; therefore, the seeking support subscale was excluded from our analysis. SHAI values were found to be high in other studies during the pandemic, and the SHAI results of the international students in our study were found to be even slightly higher compared to those studies [44, 48]. endstream Evaluation of nursing students' views on the Examination stress and their perceived stress levels. The four coping strategies among international students were goal-oriented, thinking it over, wishful thinking, and avoidance, while among the Hungarian students were cognitive restructuring, problem analysis, stress reduction, and passive coping. Would you like email updates of new search results? Phua DH, Tang HK, Tham KY. Coping responses of emergency physicians and nurses to the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. The elevated perceived stress levels during major life events can be further deepened by disengagement from home (being away/abroad from country or family) and by using inadequate coping strategies. Main A, Zhou Q, Ma Y, Luecken LJ, Liu X. Besides, cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, some of which are available online during the current pandemic crisis, can further reduce anxiety. Before Teasdale E, Yardley L, Schlotz W, Michie S. The importance of coping appraisal in behavioural responses to pandemic flu. statement and Soc. During stressful life events, it is important to pay attention to the increasing levels of health anxiety and to the kind of coping mechanisms that are potential factors to mitigate the effects of high anxiety. Affect. Cai H, Tu B, Ma J, Chen L, Fu L, Jiang Y, et al. The main objective of the present research is to analyze the relationship of levels of self-efficacy and anxiety, coping strategies, and emotional intelligence in Spanish university students. The sample consisted of 190 nursing students enrolled in the Nursing Faculty of Ciudad Real University in Spain. For a resource within an xmpMM:Ingredients list, the ResourceRef uses this type to identify both the portion of the containing document that refers to the resource, and the portion of the referenced resource that is referenced. The levels of stress and anxiety may vary during students' educational training, depending on their ability to adopt behavioral strategies for coping with stress, and other factors. Also, the perceived lack of knowledge and skills are considered to be one of the common stressors for many students [5]. The Coping Strategy Inventory (CSI) is a self-report questionnaire designed to assess coping thoughts and behaviors in response to a specific stressor [22]. Various inter-related and inter-linked concepts are present in such situations including stress, anxiety, and coping. 2020;9:3350. After the first year, once the basic core subjects are taught, the students begin their clinical placements. The mean PSS score was 22.78 (8.54), indicating a moderate level of stress. Adaptacin espaola del Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento. 2003;43:7181. On April 30, 2020, there were 2775 confirmed cases, 312 deaths, and 581 recoveries. The levels of stress and anxiety may vary during students' educational training, depending on their ability to adopt behavioral strategies for coping with stress, and other factors. The objective of this was to investigate the relationship between anxiety, perceived stress and coping strategies used by nursing students during their clinical training. Perceived stress J Adv Nurs. Karaca A, Yildirim N, Cangur S, Acikgoz F, Akkus D. Relationship between mental health of nursing students and coping, self-esteem and social support. Accessed 15 Feb 2021. Background: In nursing students, high stress levels can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression. Google Scholar. Bagcivan G, Cinar FI, Tosun N, Korkmaz R. Determination of nursing students expectations for faculty members and the perceived stressors during their education. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online-based survey at the University of Debrecen during the official lockdown in Hungary when dormitories were closed, and teaching was conducted remotely. Pers Individ Dif. Hamaideh SH, Al-omari H, Al-modallal H. Nursing students perceived stress and coping behaviors in clinical training in Saudi Arabia. Elia Fernndez-Martnez. Most students were female (86.5%) and 17.7% of the students had previous training in health sciences. An Individual can experience two kinds of evaluation processes, one to appraise the external stressors and personal stake, and the other one to appraise personal resources that can be used to cope with stressors [22, 23]. Mental disorders are found prevalent among college students and their onset occurs mostly before entry to college [31]. FOIA The levels of stress and anxiety may vary during students' educational training, depending on their ability to adopt behavioral strategies for coping with stress, and other factors. The maximum mean moved online and "Stay Home Stay Safe" perceived stress score (22.56) was observed in executive order was implemented; many 4th year students, and least mean perceived students have faced a distressing change in . felt confident about someones ability to handle personal problems) [34]. Furthermore, nursing students coexist with other stressors that are typical considering their role as students, such as those related with their academic program and their role as nursing students [8]. It was also addressed in the literature that personality traits may have a significant influence on the coping strategy used by a person [53], revealing sophisticated and challenging links to be considered especially during training programs on effective coping and management skills. 2011;58:41023. Lazarus RS, Folkman S. Stress, appraisal, and coping. Results: Students. Watson R, Deary I, Thompson D, Li G. A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: a questionnaire survey. We would like to provide our extreme thanks and appreciation to all students who participated in our study. MedRxiv Prepr. Text 2022 Mar 2;9(2):222-229. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnss.2022.02.004. Methods: We conducted an overview of systematic reviews. 2012;36:2108. internal These classes take place at the Faculty, and, at this point students have no contact with hospital settings. Most students were female (86.5%) and 17.7% of the students had previous training in health sciences. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 9 0 obj This study has a cross-sectional design. Taha SA, Matheson K, Anisman H. The 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic: the role of threat, coping, and media trust on vaccination intentions in Canada. Rosenbaum L. Facing Covid-19 in Italyethics, logistics, and therapeutics on the epidemics front line. Objective: This study aimed to assess the perceived stress and coping strategies among undergraduate health science students of Jimma University amid the COVID-19 outbreak. 2022 Oct 22. doi: 10.1016/j.jradnu.2022.09.002. Crisis24 News Alert. The objective of this was to. The survey questionnaires were completed by those who felt interested and involved, i.e., a convenience sampling technique was used, this impairs the representativeness of the sample (in terms of sociodemographic variables) and the generalizability of our results. The mean age of participants was 20.71 3.89 years (range 18-46 years). Several studies about the relation between coping and response to epidemics in recent and previous outbreaks found higher perceived stress levels among people [18,19,20,21]. The post hoc tests showed that there were differences between the perceived stress level and coping strategies everywhere (p<0.005) except and between avoidance and thinking it over (p=0.640). Terms and Conditions, Chaabane S, Chaabna K, Bhagat S, Abraham A, Doraiswamy S, Mamtani R, Cheema S. Syst Rev. This questionnaire contains eight primary subscales. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. 44 0 obj 2017;30:20613. According to the KruskalWallis test, there were significant differences in stress (2(3)=73.26; p<0.001) and health anxiety (2(3)=42.60; p<0.001) between various coping strategies. 2005;12:3228. [1, 54]. doi: 10.1080/20009666.2016.1270806. Among the international students, the results were similar. Cite this article. 1989;56(2):267283. The University of Debrecen. A recent study in Hunan province in China found that the most effective factor in coping with stress among medical staff was the knowledge of their familys well-being [25]. The range of scores for each subscale is 060, in which higher scores indicate greater anxiety. Journal of Education and Practice, 7, 118-128. Results: 2006;9:8693. -, Duffy E, Avalos G, Dowling M. Secondary traumatic stress among emergency nurses: a cross-sectional study. According to the findings, planning and adoption measures to nursing students training for active coping strategies, improving positive methods for reducing stress symptoms and helping to eliminate maladaptive coping strategies as drug consumption and avoidance by instructors and authorities is probably effective in nursing students coping with clinical stresses. These are: problem solving, self-criticism, expression of emotions, wishful thinking, social support, cognitive restructuring, problem avoidance, and social withdrawal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2014.11.008. We used the existing Spanish version [22]. (2013) [39] found the mean SHAI value to be 12.41 (6.81) in a non-clinical sample. Nurse Educ Pract. This may be because students feel that their teachers and other nurses expect more from them as they are more experienced and therefore more knowledgeable students, thus increasing their stress levels. 2017;2:21. Perceived stress, stressors, and coping strategies among nursing students in the Middle East and North Africa: an overview of systematic reviews. Integer <>stream URI PlateNames Overall, female students have predominated the sample (n=920, 71.4%). eCollection 2022. Int Emerg Nurs. Text This study was conducted to assess nursing students' perceived stress levels and their association with anxiety, as well as the coping behaviors used to reduce the effect of stress during clinical training.
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