She experienced a traumatic event involving a chicken when she was younger. health 2. 10) Somniphobia:the often irrational and excessive fear of sleep. Some men are terribly afraid of beautiful women. Your belly button? These poor, poor souls. Still, these underground dwellers are rather uncommon and only native to eastern Africa. This is a very specific phobia that about 12.5% of adults in the United States have, which is wild. Barophobia is an interesting one because it can attack in two, seemingly contradictory, forms. Spiders, the dark, and even death are common things people fear. a pounding heart, palpitations, sweating, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. What can a teensy tiny cockroach do to you, after all? The symptoms of astrophobia are similar to those of other common phobias. A phobia is defined as an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. This phobia often leads to depression and other mental health issues, so while being weird, it can also be quite destructive to a persons general wellbeing. This is truly one of the most interesting phobias out there. This condition is also known as Venustraphobia. There are estimated to be around 19 million Americans who have some sort of phobiathose persistent and deep-rooted fears of specific places, things, situations, or activities. 1) Heliophobia: the fear of the sun, sunlight, or any bright light. That chin is worth asking some questions about no matter who you are. I know how much people love their mobile phones but having a phobia of being without a cellphone, that's insane. To be fair, these rodents are pretty unnerving to look at; hairless, wrinkly, and virtually eyeless. What Is a Phobia? But its not just animals. Do you have a fear of men? From snakes to peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (yes its really real, look it up) but what really gives you the shivers? I can't either. This is a normal reaction. Its a big cause of social anxiety. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. Thalassophobia Is A Real, Terrifying Thing And You Definitely Have It Thalassophobia is the fear of the sea. They ensured we stayed one step ahead of very real threats, such as wild forest animals who wanted to eat us, or when we started playing around with fire and thats how Shere Khan got that scar. While it sounds funny, it can actually be quite distressing. According to experts, it canstem from a previous injury, or perhaps a religious upbringing, as certain beliefs prohibit knees from being seen whatsoever, whilst otherbeliefs. ". If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. That aside, people with dyslexia are most likely to have to deal with this phobia that also goes by the name sesquipedalophobia. This extremely rare phobia isnt well understood, however, the cause is believed to be an uncommon sensitivity to changes in pitch and tone. I mean, whats so scary about looking up into the beautiful nights sky? Subscribe to The Doctors: Doctors discuss a viral video of a hand covered in tiny holes uploaded by a woman on Facebook. 1. There is a 75 character minimum for reviews. (Dont google this phobia). It may seem silly now, but if you think about the most scariest people who ever existed, didnt they all have a chin? Thats not scary, Im not scared, youre scared. "A phobia consists of a persistent fear or avoidance of a specific stimulus," says Kate Wolitzky-Taylor, PhD, an associate faculty member with the Anxiety and Depression Research Center at UCLA.. Arachnophobia is known to be one of the top 10 worst phobias in the world, to be accurate it is the third worst phobia that people around the world suffer from. This is the fear of chickens. But if seeing a spider gives you nightmares or you refuse to be in the same room as someones pet snake, you are more than likely suffering from a phobia of these creatures. Whats worse is children who suffer from globophobia. Sometimes a fear of heights comes from being trapped someplace high without an easy way down. Ereuthophobia - Fear of Blushing/Red View in gallery via Sometimes this is a generalized fear of the color red, but more often it shows up as a terror when a person blushes. 1. metallicpalace 2 yr. ago. Little bumps! It can also lead to drug and alcohol abuse as people try and deal with their issues. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. Do I Need a Psychologist or Psychiatrist? 19) Sanguivoriphobia:the fear of vampires. Although not officially recognized as a mental disorder, this phobia does have its own Wikipedia page, which means it must be true. dendrophobia and herpetophobia. In other news: Oprah Winfrey has this problem. People who suffer from this phobia often get panic attacks which increase with severity unless treated. Nomophobia - Fear of being without a mobile phone or not being able to use it because of low battery or absence of signal. 2. Tbf that's not a phobia. Bananaphobia is an irrational fear of bananas. It causes people to become anxious and panic when they cant have access to their mobile phones. These people dont actually have a problem with numbers themselves, just when it comes to working out maths equations. There are a lot of specific body part-related fearsjust name it. Whether terrified of dirty hair, or choking to death on a hair, or perhaps having an awkward conversation with a hairy person, there are multiple exciting variations of phobias one may develop when hair is involved. Along with triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13, octophobia is one of the only phobias associated with a certain number, making it very unique. COPYRIGHT 2022 Next Luxury ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It'. People with ideophobia arent open to new ideas precisely because they fear being taken out of their comfort zone. feeling an intense need to avoid or escape from the feared situation or object. Please support TheClever so we can continue providing you with great content! Published 2018-09-20. Achievemephobia isnt so much a fear of succeeding but rather the consequence of suchlike the way people will react to it or how the success might cause things to change afterward. Heres a phobia that has only become prevalent in recent years. Read More, 20 of the Strangest Phobias People Actually Experience. Mainly impacting young people, nomophobia is the fear of not having your phone nearby. You'll want to avoid sending flowers and balloons to someone who suffers from which two phobias? These individuals typically suffer from multiple phobias and the dread they feel towards those existing phobias can lead to the development of fear as a whole. Setting aside 15 minutes for a few days to relax different muscles groups and focus on breathing helps dull the fear. The fear of this unavoidable bodily function is believed to be caused by traumatic potty-related experiences in childhood. Not much is known about this phobia, but it seems pretty insensitive that this phobia includes the offending letter. For whatever reason, yellow seems to be one of the more common of (highly unusual) color-related phobias. Imagine never being able to look at yourself in the mirror? Numerophobia can be the fear of numbers in general or of specific numbers. People suffering from this phobia feel very uncomfortable when within the company of wax statues and models. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "I hate belly buttons," she wrote on the app, per People. The first version of this fear, is that gravity will suddenly increase, and we will all be crushed inwards like a soda can, flattened to the Earths surface at any given moment. Going to the shops or riding public transport is like a nightmare for them. As you can probably guess by the name, numerophobia is the unusual phobia of numbers. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and thats exactly what phobophobiacs do. So while its possible for someone to develop an irrational fear of almost anything, one wonders how the afflicted parties of some of the following strange phobias manage to successfully function in their everyday lives: Barophobia, or the fear of gravity, can manifest itself in a few different ways. THE RECOVERY VILLAGE (352) 771-2700 Contact Us (352) 771-2700 FOR PROFESSIONALS INSURANCE PATIENT PORTAL TELETHERAPY ADMISSIONS ADDICTION Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism Alcoholism Signs & Symptoms Alcohol Detox There is no real reason why people suffer from omphalophobia, which is what makes it such a weird thing to be afraid of. Some have a constant fear, while others respond fearfully to more direct stimuli. The full title of this phobia actually reads as follows: the fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor, and if you think this sounds like some sort of a nonsense joke, you would be absolutely right. When you think about John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer who dressed as a clown, or the hundreds of horror films about killer clowns, its easy to see why people have developed a fear of Ronald McDonald. This wasnt a fake phobia at all. 61. From A to Z, here are the weirdest 26 strange phobias you didnt know about: Its pretty commonplace for people to have a fear of failure. 2. I have knees! and then you burst into a cold sweat and have an anxiety attack right there? 30 Best Kanye West Memes That Will Crack You Up, 11 Wild Active Cults That Still Exist Today, 101 Weird Facts You Wont Believe Are True. Common symptoms of phobias are shaking, nausea, sweating, dizziness, heart palpitations, and anxiety attacks when confronted with the subject of the phobia. The alternative name for this phobia, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, is even longer! We are all luposlipaphobiacs! I don't like talking about it to people in real life as it's emba No? The absolute unknown of what is out there. 13) Geniophobia:an extreme unwarranted fear and/or physical aversion to chins. Why? Alyssa Jung Senior Editor Alyssa is a senior editor for the Hearst Health . How we are nothing but specks of dust on a speck of dust. 20) Myrmecophobia:the inexplicable fear of ants. List of Weird Phobias. Because these insects are found on every single continent, and they outnumber humans vastly, with over 1,428,000 ants per each one of us, which is only counting thosewe know about. Are you telling me that the idea of uncontrollably sliding all over the kitchen whilst being chased by wolves doesnt scare you? 0 Comment . Or even the fear of money? Natural environment phobias such as a fear of heights, storms, water, and of the dark. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Weve already discussed the fear of numbers, but octophobia is the specific fear of the number eight. Channing Tatum. What is your worst phobia? People were scared of mistakenly being declared dead while sick and then being buried alive. Getting hit by an ambulance. See more about - 12 Examples Of Double Standards. Ophidiophobia: Fear of Snakes. Relax, its a totally normal emotion, nothing more than a little brain bell which rings, gently warning us that we may very well be in grave danger, and we should start running in the complete opposite direction of everything, otherwise the world may end. Slowly, this has caused me to withdraw from social interactions, slowly sinking into a safe bubble, population count: 1, just me, all alone, but totally right about everything, all the time, stay away. Here's what we mean: 1. The second version, is that gravity itself will simply let go, and we will float away into space like little bits of dandruff, ultimately suffocating but getting a great view just before we do. It is, however, arguable that the word phobia is misused and that in the majority of cases it is only a normal anxiety. One phobia to rule them all! No sushi for you, homie. All I have to do is order stuff without the condiments. But its a real thing. Myrmecophobia? And, in the case of driver ants, sometimes they do want to. some celebrities do! Phobias are a recognized form of mental illness that can be hugely debilitating to a persons day-to-day life. botanophobia and entomophobia. You know what Im talking about. It might sound like Im trying to be funny here, but I am dead serious, it is astonishing how often everyone elses opinion is completely incorrect whilst mine is naturally infallible, and these people wont even listen to me as I shout my opinion into their faces, its ridiculous. I have a really weird phobia of buttons on clothes etc. Barophobia is an interesting one because it can attack in two, seemingly contradictory, forms. Geliophobia is the fear of laughter, and can be experienced by hearing others laugh, or by one's own laughter. Ergophobia: fear of work. There arent any strange phobias that start with J, so instead, were sharing a phobia of something that starts with it. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. 2) Chaetophobia:the fear of hair. myralmedo. There is no real reason why people suffer from omphalophobia, which is what makes it such a weird thing to be afraid of. The A-Z of Weird Phobias Here's a nice orderly run down of some of the strangest fears to have gained acceptance in the medical world as fully fledged psychological conditions; Ablutophobia - Fear of Washing or Bathing Photo Source A hygiene freaks worst nightmare, ablutophobics take soap dodging to a new level Barophobia - Fear of Gravity Apparentlycertain people with the phobia arent even remotely bothered by balloons when they are deflated, so a fun thing to do is to lock them in a room and then slowly blow one up in front of them, watching how their eyeballs pulsate, because, you know, Im a horrible person. 21 Strange Phobias - 1. The unfathomable sizes of the stars which are light years away, impossible to ever reach. It is a rare but often devastating phobia. Physical symptoms of phobias The physical symptoms you can experience may include: feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded or faint. Let's find out some weird facts from their lives. Your email address will not be published. 14) Trypophobia:the fear of holes. 10 weird phobias I have - or things I do - that you might find bizarre PHOBIAS: 1. There are many everyday things that are yellow, including school buses, bananas, flowers, birds, and lemons, that they might come across and trigger their anxiety. Uranophobia (Fear of sky) Also known as a fear of heaven, uranophobia is tied to the fear of judgment after death and is closely related to thanatophobia, the fear of dying. As Howard E. LeWine, MD states in Harvard Health Publishing, a phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. Its considered a type of anxiety disorder that triggers real fear in people. Thats obviously not the case for those with cibophobia, who will avoid restaurants and grocery shopping, as well as eating itself. The second version, is that gravity itself will simply let go, and we will float away into space like little bits of dandruff, ultimately suffocating but getting a great view just before we do. Accept
Cherophobia Cherophobia: Fear of happiness This is the abnormal and irrational fear of being happy or rejoicing. Pogonophobia: fear of beards aka. They are also known to be quite literal and either do not understandor simply have an aversion to metaphor and other literary devices. mood disorder. Have you ever been sitting in your room, minding your own business, when you suddenly remembered oh no! It can also be linked to anxiety about sexuality in general.Wikimedia Commons. 2021 Mental Health Rehabs. The fear of spiders is now so common that we nonchalantly accept it as a part of everyday life, but if you truly think about this concept, it makes no sense. Cacophobia: The fear of ugliness, cacophobia, can easily gain sympathetic ears. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. This fear is called "pediophilia," "I just think . Not much is known about this phobia of this abstract concept, however, one study found that the inverse, a fear of injustice, was linked to a tendency to externalize problematic behavior. 20 September 2018. Considering the options that you've picked, it can be said that you have Automatonophobia. 8) Nomophobia:the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. For those who do have it, however, its kind of a serious problem, because there are knees everywhere, and even the act of kneeling itself becomes a traumatic ordeal. In other news: Have you ever been sitting in your room, minding your own business, when you suddenly remembered oh no! Thats right, there are people out there who have an overwhelming fear of these feathered creatures. Theyll avoid roads or buildings with the number, be fearful of purchase totals that include $6.66, or refuse credit cards, phone numbersor any other account numbers that have those digits. but it costs a lot of money to get that done. force you onto your knees into a submissive prayer, begging for forgiveness due to all the terrible things youve done in your life. As with many phobias, symptoms vary in intensity - ranging from shortness of breath or rapid breathing to extreme anxiety, nausea, and uncontrollable shaking. Its been suggested this fear gained traction in the 1700s when the plauge ravaged Europe. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized the genius of Gary Larson. It requires a person to understand how to manage their anxiety to a level where they can live as much of a normal life as possible. He even avoids passing the cart or the place in supermarkets where bananas are kept, and tries to flee away. What causes these fears to develop in a person is still uncertain, but it could be from when they fell out of a tree as a kid, or when they watched the 2013 film Gravity as an adult, because that film actually really freaked me out and totally deserved the seven Academy Awards it won. Alektorophobia: Fear of chickens. Discussion 4,987. 15) Pogonophobia:is the extreme dislike of beards. I have knees! and then you burst into a cold sweat and have an anxiety attack right there? You probably have it. What Phobia Do You Have? Some of us, whether it be from a bad experience or for no reason at all, have fears that are just irrational. Phobophobia is fear of fear itself. SOME LINKS MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS. Ants, on the other hand, actually warrant a legit phobia. Take this quiz to find out. All Rights Reserved. 0. Closely related is zoophobia, a general fear of animals. NEXTLUXURYDOTCOM LLC IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. 100% Privacy. What weird phobia do you have? Clowns are meant to be funny characters who provide laughs and joy, especially to children. Furthermore, a whole colony of ants work likea solitarymind, a coordinated singular organism, which could strip the skin right off your body if theyso wanted to. However, globophobia sufferers are so fearful of this mini-explosion that they cant go anywhere near an inflated balloon, just in case the dreaded popping thing happens and somehow kills them or destroys the Universe or whatever. Balloons are a big part of many childrens childhoods, especially at birthday parties, which can cause issues for people with this phobia. The Greek word oikos loosely translates into household or family, which is why initially oikophobia was classified as a fear of general objects one would find around your common home. There cant be any fear quite as ridiculous as anablephobia. While treatable, it can take many years for someone with optophobia to overcome their fear. Consecotaleophobia: fear of chopsticks. They do exist, though. While classified as a rare phobia, it is becoming much more common these days as people are constantly on their phones scrolling through social media. Sometimes this stems from excessive bullying or severe body image problems. Fortunately, as is the case with other mental illnesses, going to a mental health rehab and seeking treatment can make these phobias more bearable and less disruptive. What causes these fears to develop in a person is still uncertain, but it could be from when they fell out of a tree as a kid, or when they watched the 2013 film. anxiety disorder. People with this disorder have a fear of mirrors, often stemming from other body issues they might be dealing with. Now, this is one phobia that no chicken lover would want to ever start suffering from. No? Its been described as free-floating anxiety and is often associated with other anxiety disorders. As a result, this phobia is sometimes mistaken as anorexia. Yeah, sure, we all have a fear of clowns (coulrophobia, youre welcome), but when youre ready to take your timidness to the next level, lets get scared of balloons instead. The reasons why this phobiamay strike an individual are widely debated, but they are generally considered to be either a result of ecclesiophobia (the fear of the Church), hierophobia (the fear of holy things) or just a deep-rootedanimosity towards authority figures in general. 82 Comments. The Absolute Best Sunscreens of 2022 . Sources:List 25, I Heart Intelligence, The Richest, Now, if it were worse, then I'd have to get some professional help to figure it out but thank God it's not like that . P.S none of this is actually accurate this is all for fun. The real fascinating aspect of geniophobia, however, is that it usually strikes the victim when they are presented with a chin which is aesthetically unusual, for example: Ben Affleck and his cleft chin, otherwise known as a bum chin or your face looks like a bum or The Affleck bum face chin face, all of which is a very scary scene for someone with geniophobia, and even some without. Interestingly it isnt recognized as an official phobia by the American Psychiatric Association and is considered a social phobia. 3. Personality Scary Phobia Fear Horror Fun Strange Weird Odd. Close this popup and browse for 2 minutes. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. Some only fear detached or loose hair and do not mind attached hair. Perhaps stranger still is the fear of color in general, known as chromatophobia. Required fields are marked *. "You can't touch mine and I. Cacophobia Unlike Raj from the Big Bang Theory, who is thought to be suffering from gynephobia (the fear of all women) caligynephobia is the distinct fear of beautiful women; at least the ones the sufferer deems to be beautiful. Scriptophobia is considered a social and specific phobia and is also related to Graphophobia which is the fear of writing or handwriting. There are several number-specific phobias. Its the casual worry about nothing in particular, simply walking around in pure terror, that any moment now something scary might happen. Frightening stuff. Also sometimes described as the fear of medical words (which tend to be quite long), those with logophobia communicate through gestures and drawings. 3) Arachibutyrophobia: the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of . Some phobias can seem particularly strange to those who don't suffer from them. The fear of heights may lead to an anxiety attack among more than 6% of acrophobic's. Acrophobics avoid going to tall buildings, mountains or tall towers in fear of falling down. Trichophobia, for example, is the fear of loose hair, while trichopathophobia includes the fear of any hair disease,leading us onto hypertrichophobia, whichis moreassociated with the fear of hair color and growth. This phobia test tells you when it is likely that you meet the criteria of a specific phobia, whether or not your symptoms may have reduced due to safety objects or behaviours [1], and if you may suffer from another mental disorder. This may sound like one of those made up phobias which some clever Reddit troll decided would be funny, but no, this is a legitimate fear. To some, the small apparatuses that hold shirts closed and pants up are far from innocuous. This is a really strange phobia. This phobia is believed to be an aversion to certain textiles due to physical discomfort, such as a rash or being itchy, that evolves to induce feelings of panic at the mere thought of them. On the other hand, there are some phobias out there that are pretty strange. Individuals who suffer from hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia tend to be highly religious or superstitious. Belly buttons arent attractive, but to fear them seems a little silly. experiencing panic or distress when exposed to the situation or object. In the end, every one of us is afraid of something. That was the piece of youwhich connected your stomach to your mothers womb, feeding you when you were a little fetus. Thats a lot less relatable. Four is an unlucky number in Asian culture and is avoided in hotels and even major retailers. One of the more common phobias, agoraphobia impacts thousands of people. Real gentlemen know quality when they see it. Animal phobias such as the fear of snakes, spiders, rodents, and dogs. 9) Philophobia:the abnormal, persistent and unwarranted fear of falling in love or emotional attachment. Some people, on the other hand, have a fear of heights, flying, or . 1 person likes this. Me, I hate clowns and people wearing costumes or masks that cover their faces (which is weird, considering how much I love Disney World). Such people avoid thinking spiders and arachnids could be found. 30 Best Summer Dresses for Women Over 50. This could explain why maths is always a struggle. Share. Well, there is no rationalization for any kind of phobia. Its closely related to arithmophobia, the fear of arithmetic, and sometimes stems from the fear of learning math as a young child. Spiders are chill, they dont move much, they get rid of other pesky bugs for us, and most importantly of all, they work alone.
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