Improper set-up Falling, Competent supervisorCompetent scaffoldersApproved toolsBarricadesSign boards 100%tie off with safety harness, Struck by falling scaffolding. Handing over the site and work parallelly with main contractor. CMU (Hollow units) shall be laid with face shell bedding on head and bed joints. Method statement for Block works. Method Statement for Shoring Wall Blockwork 2. The thickness of the webs and walls shall not be less than 50mm and the volume of the cavities in the block shall not exceed 50% of the gross volume of the block. The joints reinforcement shall be completely bedded in the mortar and lapped at least 75 mm at joints in the length. keep out.All scaffold material to be lowered to the ground by rope only, not thrown down. QA/QC Inspector shall make sure the following items and carry out all field inspections under project specification related to the quality control services: It shall be verified that services within walls have been tested and approved. Bizberg Themes, Method Statement for Block Works for Building, ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Rendering Works for Buildings, Appointment Letter for Dewatering works Subcontractor. Any. Curing of block work should be done for at least 7 days. Reply response of Interim Extension of Time Claim (EOT-01), Balance work at 14 th floor and three nos of door not fixed, Change instruction by client from 2-gang to 3-gang switch, CHECKLIST FOR TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF FIRE PUMPS SET, Confirmation on non-requirement of Mobilization NOC from DDA. At corners the joints reinforcement shall be cut neatly and butted together but not lapped. Vertical damp-proof courses shall be built into external cavity walls at jambs of openings and in the positions indicated on the drawings. Ensure the approval for blockwork materials, sample . HC-CM: AL BAR-CL-02 dtd. The expansion joints shall be filled with bitumen impregnated fiberboard to finish 15mm back from each face of the wall. This is an online institution that teaches how to assure and control the work in construction and the materials as well. All block work shall be fully set out before lying commences to ensure correct bonding, minimum cutting tolerances and the . All worker will wear PPE (Helmet, Glasses, Gloves, Boots, Full sleeve cotton coverall as a minimum). Bizberg Themes, Appointment Letter for Dewatering works Subcontractor. 4 Procedure: 4.1 Submittals 4.1.1 Aker will submit AAC blocks supplier and sample for the consultant's approval. Concrete blocks shall be delivered to site andoff-loaded near the point of use. Ensure that all materials on site are inspected and third party certified. This is sometimes a technique of the management to avoid workers being idle if they have extra people while the project is at starting stage. S.R.C mortar. All mortar joints shall be finished flush with the general face of the wall unless otherwise specified. He will confirm the storage and placing of the materials on site and other arrangements as per project specifications requirements. 3- References: 1- Project approved drawings. When cutting of blocks is essential, a bolster shall be used in preference to a trowel. HC-CM: AL BAR-CL-02 dtd. Confirmation to toilet door frame width for single shutter non sliding door area. 4.5 BLOCK WORK ABUTTING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: 4.5.1 Where block work abuts structural concrete columns or walls and the like it shall be tied to the concrete with bitumen coated steel ties at 225 mm vertical centers. After completing each section of the wall block work, clean down surfaces and make good where required. Use correct tools for the job. All block works executed below ground level built with S.R C cement and shall built in. All unit masonry shall be laid using running bond. the Project and Owner / Engineer requirements. Unless otherwise specified all block faces shall provide a satisfactory bond for motor, plastering or rendering. MOP Open navigation menu The purpose of this method statement is to describe the measures and ways of proper installation. Confirmation to toilet door frame width for single shutter non sliding door area. Designed by
CMU cutting job shall be performed with proper tools to provide straight, clean and unchipped edges. All corners and intersections of CMU wall shall be bonded or tied at every other course for full height of the wall, unless movement joints are required. The objective of this method statement is to define the general guidelines for masonry works. Once you've entered your details . 2. Where work upon existing services may be required, the necessary work permits and safety equipment should be obtained prior to the activity commencement. Ensure tools undergone inspection by a competent person and record must keep. Blocks shall be stocked on a level area in an orderly manner and to avoid blocks direct contact with ground. 4.2.3 Before starting of block work, the area is to be washed with water. He must also ensure that the AHA and JHA are implemented and the approved Method Statement procedure is followed and the ITP is applied. Concrete Blocks are mostly used building material in all parts of the world. Request to pay directly to the supplier for long lead item or major procurement items. This method statement defines the responsibilities and describes the activities and methodology to be implemented to ensure that this works shall be completed in compliance with approved details and relevant project specifications as mentioned herein (method of statements covers Concrete Block wall work) Method Statement for Concrete Blockwork 3. Mortar not used within the one and half hour time shall be disposed off. All joints shall be solidly filled and the thickness of the joints shall not exceed 10mm. . Concrete block masonry work shall match with approved mock-up wall.
Field site conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Concrete Block Wall. Regarding your agreement issue and submission of shop drawing. Scope If pointing is specified, the mortar used for the pointing should not be stronger than that used when constructing the wall unless specified otherwise. For all other work : 1 part ordinary Portland cement : 6 parts sand. Handing over the site and work parallelly with main contractor. Walls built using retarder mortar shall be adequately cured for a period of not less than 24 hours before any further work on the wall can take place. He coordinates with other construction team working adjacent to his location of work and also conducts job safety analysis(JSA) to ensure that each member of the crew is aware of the hazards. 9.1.1 Cleaning very well for the working area. Confirmation to toilet door frame width for single shutter non sliding door area. Concrete blocks & associated materials should be stacked at clean hard surface free from contamination by mud or surface water. Blockwork is major activity that requires precise alignment and joining because if Read Complete Method Best Method of Block Work For Construction The mortar beds and vertical joints shall be 10mm nominal thickness and shall not exceed 15mm. 9.2.8 Block work shall be cured for conditions 3 days. The sand shall comply in all respects with BS 1200, table-1. Testing for block work and the daily mortar sampling as per specification and the BS 6073 & BS 4551. The horizontal 10mm joints between internal partition CMU walls and soffits of beams or slabs shall be left clear and free from mortar and compressible joint filler shall be packed into joint. are sufficient for the number of personnel, and are being provided by the site supervisory staff as well as ensuring that high standards of hygiene are maintained; Promote a positive SHE attitude to personnel, subcontractors, consultants and clients; Be proactive in addressing operational SHE issues to ensure that the risk to workers and others are managed, minimized and prevented as well as the potential environmental impact prevented I mitigated; Ensure and facilitate communication and coordination between the company and subcontractors with respect to health & safety requirements; Establishing a list of hazardous tasks, requiring safe work permits, implement and maintain the required permit systems; Block delivered to site shall be carefully unloaded and handled to avoid chipping and breakage. Inform all concerned supervisor including workers the value and importance of this activity prior to implementation. All workers in height will have to wear safety harness with lanyard. Foreman and charge Hands shall carry out work with safety requirements. Try to keep horizontal joints of uniform thickness. . Work Method Statement for Block Work - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Proper access (Stair with handrails and hard barricaders) shall be provided as per CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY HSE procedure. Ensure material delivered at site is in accordance with approved plans. 9.2.7 Vertical and horizontal blocks joint shall be properly filled with mortar and cleaned. Block work shall rise at the rate of four courses per 900mm. Curing the block work. Works shall be carried out in compliance with the drawings, project specifications and materials. Ensure work permit and supporting documents i.e. Scope: The intention of this document is to describe the various steps. A maximum of 6 courses being built in a section in any one day. The site engineer must also ensure that the Works are completed and maintained in accordance with the provided specifications and approved method statement. Below is a brief method statement that you can utilize for concrete blocks laying alignment & jointing. Do not use a tool or attachment for something it was not designed to. This method statement provides the controlled sequence of the methodology that will be used for the installation and testing of the Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Block Works activity. 3. Specific safety training will be provided to personnel for AOA work. The bar should be left undistributed in the required position until the grout has hardened fully. PURPOSE. CMU surface shall be wetted to prevent rapid drying out of mortar. Scope block works to comply with schedule of finishes, the General, Architectural & Civil Specifications for. Unless otherwise specified in writing, all materials must be obtained from a single source. It couldn't be easier. Rake out joints as work proceeds, on all faces to be plastered or rendered. To demonstrate compliance with the contract specification, source certificates must be obtained for all raw materials. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The Engineer's Blog
Delay penalty due to failure to fulfil contractual obligations. The Engineer's Blog
He must ensure schedule adherence in accordance with the process plan. Fall injury for self and others, Using Life lineCompetent supervisorTrained workers3 point contact while climbing laddersRoutine inspectionSafe accessGreen tag, Back injury Spinal dislocation Hand injury Pinch points, Proper accessTrained workers100% tie off Proper techniquesGreen tag, Proper accessTrained workers100% tie off Safety harnessGreen tagSign boardsGood light, Falling workers during scaffold dismantling. The Job Hazard Analysis related to this activity is attached to this method statement. The ingredients shall first be mixed dry until thoroughly mixed to a uniform color before water is added to the mix. PLACING:- The mixed grout should be poured or pumped steadily into the prepared anchor holes. 2- TS 2510 and (Turkish) Disaster code. ), 10mm Rod for mortar thickness checking As required, CONTRACTOR shall obtain the relevant block work permits as required to commence work. Installation of Block Work. 4.2.5 Block work shall rise at the rate of four courses per 900mm. No mortar, which has achieved its initial set, shall be used in the work, and no water is to be added to the mortar, after the initial mix. 4.1.5 WALL TIES: Wall ties shall be Stainless steel/galvanized steel vertical twist type complying with BS 1243 table 3. Thank you for the full reading of this article in QA QC in Construction platform in English. You only need to change project name, insert logos and the document shall be ready for submission and approval from Submit request for inspection 24 hours before the inspection. Provisions of adequate cool drinking water, shade, and salt tablets will be in place. Construction Method of Concrete Blockwork, Work Method Statement for Construction Works, Method Statement for Block Masonry Work | CMU Block Work. Crushing strength test report shall be submitted to QP engineer for approval before the block are delivered to site. A- Mock up of typical block masonry shall be constructed for each type of external and internal location to demonstrate How to fix Accessories & Quality of Material and Execution of work and written approval (through ITR procedure) shall be obtained prior to proceeding with further actual works at site. Part A-Specification for Civil & Architectural Works Division 04-04220: Concrete Masonry Units and any material parts in the other divisions and sections. All joints shall be solidly filled and the thickness of the joints shall not exceed 10mm. Sand for motor shall be selected beach or dune sand, washed clean and free from clay, chalk, shells, organic materials and other impurities. Method Statement of Block Work.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. All block shall be thoroughly wetted with water before they are laid and tops of walls left from previous day work shall be similarly wetted before the new work commences. 1.1 Is to define the requirements for supply and laying of concrete block work for the buildings and utilities under the contract no GTC.101/ED/01 Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning (EPIC) of Ras Laffan Utilization Project Buildings and utilities and support service Phase 1-Utilities. &
The CM will coordinate with SE to ensure that the necessary resources to implement the approved Method Statement and the JHA have been allocated to the task. This induction talk will include both the JHA issues, as well as general safety requirements. As the work proceeds, carefully remove mortar splashes from masonry surfaces and adjoining surfaces. It is the overall responsibility of the project manager for road work, to ensure that the site preparation activities and safety requirements are conducted according to the project specifications and approved project safety plan. Joints shall be raked by 5mm to form key for plaster. Be familiar with emergency response procedure. Cutting and fitting for chases, pipes, conduits, sleeves, shall be coordinated with other sections of work to provide correct size, shape and location. CMU horizontal and vertical reinforcement shall be provided as per IFC drawing and technical specifications. Note; (The Mockup may be part of the permanent work at site), Copyright 2022
9.1.10 Block work shall be cured for conditions 3 days. RAMS are signed and approved prior commencing to activity. 9.2.2 Cement sand mix to be ready for use only as much as needed and block to be wet prior the starting of the work. He will monitor the quality of works and in conformance with the IFC drawing as per approved checklist. All blockwork shall be bonded to adjacent reinforced concrete structures by means of galvanizedmild steel cramps at specified spacing unless specified otherwise. If the work doesnt comply, he is allowed to reject it and submit an observation report. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Safety Requirement For Block Work. Falling of materials Stack collapse injuring people. The work shall be progressively offered to COMPANY for inspection and approval, in accordance with the approved ITP. Works To carry out block laying including placing and preparing the sand bed, block laying to line and level, compaction of the blocks, dry sanding the joints and cutting to fit at edges and joints. Regarding your agreement issue and submission of shop drawing. This Method Statement describes the Methodology and procedures for Block Paving Works. Check the work before submit the request to company for review /approval. He also Ensures that manpower and equipment are properly distributed. Use mortars (other than retarded mortars) within 2 hours of mixing or as specified. Designed by
Tool box talks will be conducted every prior to start the work. 9.1.6 Angle wall tie to be erected every alternative course at the connection between columns and block wall.
Regarding your submission of current invoice and to claim of material delivery, Regarding your variation claim VOTC 02 dtd xxx. This procedure is applicable to the following works associated with the project titled, New 2k Runway, Main Runway Works- contract number NRTW-1008-CN, Block works for building associated with the main runway works, ESHO Environmental, Safety, and Heath Officer, AHA Activity Hazard Analysis. The Site Engineer is ultimately responsible for work execution and quality/safety management. This is to ensure that all activities are in full compliance with applicable standards, drawings, and specifications of the project. 9.1.7 Fixing the 50mm thick heat insulation board up to the fifth course. First layer of blocks to be solid blocks and it should be fully set out with proper alignment. Request to release the amount deducted from the certified invoices, Requirement of single piece gypsum tile panel as per our required size, Serious concerned over failure of fixing doors at 14th floor, Structural Guarantee of the beam jacketing, Submission of current invoice and to claim ofmaterial delivery, Submission of Extended Advance Bank Guarantee, Submission of kitchen first floor drawing, Submission of the proposal to close the distribution pump opening in PT slab, To fix the floor tile in first floor corridor outside of All Day Dining, To provide Headboard screw position with detail and required sample, To provide MEP requirement drawings for execution in Stag bar and All Day Dinning, Undertaking letter by Main contractor for structural safety /building safety, Your ref. Mortar shall be mixed by machine except for small quantities only (not containing plasticizer). Obtain approval for Shop drawings and fixation detail for block work including stiffeners and lintel beams coordinated with all disciplines prior to work on site. Blockwork Wall Construction Details. Reply response of Interim Extension of Time Claim (EOT-01), Balance work at 14 th floor and three nos of door not fixed, Change instruction by client from 2-gang to 3-gang switch, CHECKLIST FOR TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF FIRE PUMPS SET, Confirmation on non-requirement of Mobilization NOC from DDA. A maximum of 6 courses being built in a section in any one day. Contact us: The ties shall be 50X3X600 mm girth once bent, one end shall be securely short filed to concrete and the other and solidly built into the block work, unless otherwise specified. CONTRACTOR Section /Site Engineer(s) shall implement/supervise the work. Reply response of Interim Extension of Time Claim (EOT-01), Balance work at 14 th floor and three nos of door not fixed, Change instruction by client from 2-gang to 3-gang switch, CHECKLIST FOR TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF FIRE PUMPS SET, Confirmation on non-requirement of Mobilization NOC from DDA. ii) Unless otherwise specified/permitted, lay blocks on a full bed of mortar and fill all joints. He inspects the tools, tackles, and equipment used in the activities and ensures proper housekeeping before and after the activities. Ensure that all PPE is assessed for suitability for job, limitations, capability, and compatibility with other PPE. Block work shall rise at the rate of four courses per 900mm. A scaffold covering the work area is built up to the level of the building before the. Block work to be stopped at fifth course with maximum height 1m per day. 9.2.6 Angle wall tie to be erected every alternative course at the connection between columns and block wall. After completing the work at site, Work will be checked with respect to Approved Method statement, technical specifications and IFC drawings. This method statement will be the subject of a toolbox talk given to all personnel involved with the work activity. Unless otherwise specified/permitted, lay blocks on a full bed of mortar and fill all joints. During CMU laying an open joint not more than 13mm shall be left between all concrete lintels and the blocks adjacent to those ends. 14 Types of Best Construction Equipment and Their Uses, Before commencing the block work, the area shall be cleared of all debris, loose materialsor other obstructions. Supervise on-site health & safety control and promote the safe conduct of site work and environmental protection; Responsible for overseeing and ensuring the keeping of up to date SHE records, forms and files in accordance to the Project H&S Plan to ensure compliance and to enable auditing to be carried out; Ensure application of, and the adherence to, the BAYTUR Integrated H&S Management System; To prevent unsafe acts being undertaken by anyone on the site and to stop and prevent work to continue I commence in prevailing unsafe conditions; Ensure that ALL employees I workers (including subcontractors) are issued with and properly use the correct PPE and safety devices for the work being performed; Report any incidents, accidents or near misses immediately, as per the Company procedure, (this may include liaison with police and I or authorities) and to secure the area by preventing that the area be tampered with; Investigate incidents, accidents and near miss events to determine the root, basic and immediate causes and ensure that correction / corrective / preventative actions are implemented for all H&S related events; Ensure site welfare facilities (rest areas, water, toilets, etc.) All walls shall be built true to dimensions, plumb. Fall / strike against persons struck by the load. All concealed wall surfaces below DPC level shall be painted with two coats bitumen paint and enclosed in minimum 1000 gauge polythene sheet membrane, the polythene sheet measure shall be tightly dressed up against the wall face and turned over the top of the block work for a width of alt least 50mm under damp-proof courses internally and on the wall courses immediately below the finished ground level externally. Built-in items shall be in proper location and ready for roughing into masonry work. 4.1.3 CEMENT: Cement shall be Portland cement to BS 12, sulphate resisting cement shall comply with BS 4027. 4.1.7 BITUMINOUS PAINT: Shall be cold applied black bitumen coating solution to BS 3416 type 1, class A. Please share this article on social media for future uses. The tops of walls left off from a previous days work shall be similarly wetted before any new work is commenced. Around openings and sills (under windows) should be of Solid block.
It is preferable to Align vertically every fifth or sixth perpend and `even out the size of Intermediate joints. 9.1.9 Vertical and horizontal blocks joint shall be properly filled with mortar and cleaned. Unauthorized persons or vehicles can come Into the lift area. All mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing.
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