That's why we've created this grout coverage calculator to help you get the exact materials and quantities you need for your project. Install over: interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems and non-water soluble adhesive residue on concrete. Do not leave bags exposed to sun. Sika Level-01 Primer Plus Sika Level-02 EZ Primer Flooring Levelers & Patches. Rapid setting and quick-drying properties ensure the floor can be walked on in as little as 1 hour ensuring overnight and even same-day turnarounds. The Rapid Set Concrete Calculator only provides an estimate of material needed. Coverage will vary depending on the texture of the surface being smoothed. Packaging: 50 lb. Fast track - Ready to receive tiles, natural stone and Terrazzo tiles after 8 hours; Dimensionally stable - Tension and shrinkage free; Go to product. Select from either one of the below search options. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area. VOC: 0 For more sizes, use the material calculator at or contact CUSTOM Technical Services at 800-282-8786. 30 minutes Rapid, High Flow Self-Leveling Underlayment. ft. per bag at 1/8 (3.9 sq. Back to Products Do not leave bags exposed to sun. Request ARDEX Warranty. m at 1.5 mm) Brands & products stocked globally to ensure quality trade work. Coverage: 21 sq. A limited installation period in this center was a great fit for ARDEX' rapid-setting self-leveling products. Contact. Home > Calculators and Downloads. The program will also help you find the number of packs and the total cost by filling in the appropriate fields. CONCRETE TOPPING or ARDEX K 500 SELF-LEVELING CONCRETE TOPPING. Walkable: 2 to 3 hours Self-Leveler Plus is convenient and easy to use. The ARDEX Group is a global leader in high-performance building products & construction supplies. Premium Self-Leveling Underlayment SUBSTRATE PREPARATION 888-512-7339 +1-724-203-5000 AF128 12/15 For easy-to-use ARDEX Product Calculators and Product Information On the Go, download the ARDEX App at the iTunes Store or Google play. Note: Coverage will vary according to method of application, substrate condition, and on . Self smoothing - provides level concrete floors, perfect for tiling; Polymer modified - can be applied from feather . Datasheets and Calculators - ARDEX UK. Also used to pre-level existing timber floors prior to the installation of timber sheeting for a stable base for new floor coverings. 3,000 psi (211 kg/sq. +44 (0)1440 714939. Please fill out the form below to contact us with any of your questions or concerns. (15.9 kg) bag ARDEX K 301 is ideal for resurfacing exterior concrete areas including driveways, garage floors, walkways, paths, patios and other concrete wearing surfaces exposed to normal foot and rubber wheeled traffic. Contact. ARDEX A 38. Rapid Set Screed Cement. The self-levelling floor calculator from KALK.PRO allows you to determine the amount of mortar for leveling the surface by area and thickness of the layer. ARDEX V 1200 is a blend of Portland cements, other hydraulic cements and polymers that is used to level and smooth interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems and non-water soluble adhesive residue on concrete prior to the installation of finished flooring - on, above or below grade. Introduction Technical Data Download Introduction ARDEX K 31 ARDEX K 31 is a rapid hardening self leveling compound, walkable after approximately 3 hours and ready for use after 24 - 72 hours. International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mixing Ratio: 1 gallon (3.8 L) of ARDEX K 60 Latex Liquid per 35 lb. Coverage will vary depending on the texture of the surface being smoothed. Brinell Hardness (ASTM E10 modified): Approx. Repair Adhesive (12-Case) Model# FIX012 (162) $ 89 95 Initial Set (ASTM C191): Approx. Ardex V 1200 is ideal for leveling and smoothing interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems and non-water soluble adhesive residues on concrete. Report Reference R38625-20161031. We look forward to hearing from you, and well be in touch shortly. Install over: interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems, wood, metal and non-water soluble adhesive residue on concrete; can be installed over concrete treated with certain curing compounds. TYPICAL SQUARE FOOT COVERAGE PER 50 LB BAG (SQUARE METER PER 22.68 KG) Chart for estimating purposes. Walkable: 2 3 hours When installed using a spiked roller, ARDEX K 10 has a healing time of up to 25 minutes. Always refer to the ARDEX Technical Data Sheets or website prior to m at 6 mm) (15.9 kg) bag ARDEX K 60 Powder. Packaging: 35 lb. Home Products Subfloor Preparation Self-Leveling Underlayments ARDEX V 1200. SystemOne Coverages provided are for estimating purposes only. 30 minute working time. . 30 minutes Self-Leveler Plus is a high-strength, regular-setting, cement-based, self-leveling underlayment, for use over interior concrete, plywood and other approved floor surfaces. Also eligible for the ARDEX/HENRY SystemOne Warranty when used in conjunction with select HENRY Flooring Adhesives. Do not use in areas of constant water exposure or Unit: 25kg VOC: 0 at 24 hours Whether you are looking to level and smooth internal sub-floors prior to the installation of finished flooring, looking for a rapid drying levelling compound, or self-levelling concrete, ARDEX has you covered. Install Flooring: Please see Installation of Flooring section in Technical Data Sheet for details. ARDEX ENGINEERED CEMENTS 400 Ardex Park Drive Aliquippa, PA 15001 USA Tel: 724-203-5000 Toll Free: 888-512-7339 Fax: 724-203-5001 Notes This product is intended for interior use over dry substrates only. Feel the ease of protecting your 1965 Ford Mustang's seats with nothing but the. Ardex. ARDEX continue to offer unbeatable quality and cost effective solutions for building projects covering all sectors of business and commerce, such as retail outlets, leisure centres, health authorities, transport premises, art and educational institutions. One of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of specialist building materials for substrate preparation, floor levelling, and tiling. ARDEX K 40 RAPID. Use to level and smooth interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems and non-water soluble adhesive residue on concrete. Giving the installer the ability to install most floor coverings within 24 hours, V 1200 is the perfect solution for completing big jobs on a tight schedule. cm.) Home Calculators & Downloads. +65 6861 7700. Questions? Ultra Rapid Setting Latex Sub-Floor Levelling and Smoothing Compound. Refer to the technical data sheet at or call Home Products Subfloor Preparation Self-Leveling Underlayments ARDEX K 60 ARDITEX, Rapid Setting Latex Smoothing and Leveling Compound. Latex-Based Self-Levelling and Smoothing Compounds. ARDEX CL 3 is a rapid hardening self levelling compound, walkable after approximately 3 - 4 hours and ready designed for use after 48 hours (@ 5mm thinckness). It is also suitable for permanently wet areas and may be used around swimming pools where it can be tiled onto directly. Can be tapered to meet existing elevations. Choose Workhorse. ft. per bag at 1/4 (2.3 sq. ARDEX K 520 can be installed up to 1 (25 mm) thick neat and up to 3 (7.5 cm) thick with the addition of appropriate aggregate (see Technical Data section for minimum installation thicknesses by application). ARDEX K 60 ARDITEX is a blend of Portland cement and other hydraulic cements that is a self-smoothing, trowelable, latex leveling compound with excellent adhesion, flexibility and moisture resistance. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Epoxy Coating & Self Levellers; Polyurethane Coating & Screeds; Flooring Adhesives . Back to Products; Flooring Levelers & Patches Sika Level-125 Sika Level-225 Sika Level-325 Sika Level-425 Sika Level-525 Rapid Sika Level-825 Lite Sika Level SkimCoat SikaQuick-1000 Tile & Stone Installation: Adhesives & Grouts. ARDEX manufacture a range of award-winning latex and water-based smoothing and self-levelling compounds for internal and external use. 0.875. INFORMATION ARDEX CL 5. For industrial application, minimum 5mm . Install Flooring: See Installation of Flooring section in Technical Data for details. ARDITEX NA is formulated with excellent adhesion designed to work perfectly UNDER a damp proof membrane. Tested in Accordance with ASTM C1708. Fix-A-Floor 10.1 oz. For more information, please view the product datasheet. Ultra rapid setting Levelling & Smoothing Compound, Home Services Datasheets and Calculators, Rapid Drying High Flow Levelling and Smoothing Compound, 3-40mm Fibre Reinforced Levelling Compound, Ultra Rapid Setting Latex Subfloor Levelling and Smoothing Compound, Extended Workability, High Flow Levelling and Smoothing Compound, Subfloor Recommendations for the Installation of LVT, Rapid Drying Heavy Duty Self-Levelling Smoothing Compound, High Build, Rapid Drying Smoothing Compound, Fibre Reinforced Levelling and Smoothing Compound for Timber Floors, Rapid Hardening Levelling and Smoothing Compound, Exterior Self-Levelling Concrete Resurfacing Compound, ARDEX Specialist Construction & Concrete Repair Brochure, Rapid Drying One Coat Surface Damp Proof Membrane, One Component Residual Moisture Vapour Suppressant, ARDEX WPM 200 Tiling and Rendering Detail Schematic, ARDEX WPM 200 Wall to Floor Detail Schematic, Product Flyer Installing Safety Flooring, Rapid Drying Patching and Smoothing Compound, Declaration of Performance EN 1504-3:2006, Declaration of Performance EN 998-1:2010-12, Environmental Product Declaration White, MICROTEC Flexible Standard Set Tile Adhesive, MICROTEC Flexible Rapid Set Tile Adhesive, MICROTEC Flexible Standard Set Semi-Pourable Floor Tile Adhesive, MICROTEC Flexible Rapid Set Semi-Pourable Floor Tile Adhesive, Polyurethane Reaction Resin Tile Adhesive, MICROTEC Flexible Rapid Set Tile & Stone Adhesive, MICROTEC Flexible Rapid Set Semi-Pourable Floor Tile & Stone Adhesive, MICROTEC Flexible Rapid Set Pourable Floor Tile & Stone Adhesive, Flexible Rapid Set Thick Bed Tile & Stone Adhesive, Flexible Rapid Set Thick Bed Tile & Stone Adhesive for External Areas, Flexible Standard Set Tile Grout for Narrow Joints, Flexible Rapid Set Tile Grout for Wide Joints, Easy to Apply & Clean Epoxy Tile Grout & Adhesive, Flexible Rapid Drying Waterproof Coating for Internal Wet Areas, Flexible Waterproof Coating for Swimming Pools, Floating Uncoupling Membrane for Unprepared Backgrounds, Bonded uncoupling membrane for problematic floors, Timing Comparison ARDEX A 29 Versus Standard Sand and Cement Screed, Timing Comparison ARDEX A 38 Versus Standard Sand and Cement Screed, Concentrated Water-Based Primer & Bonding Agent, Water Based Epoxy Primer and Bonding Agent, Multi-Purpose Construction Adhesive & Sealant, Admix Improver for Cement-Based Tile Adhesives, Mortar Admix for ARDEX Smoothing Compounds, High Performance Flooring and Tiling Products, Latex-Based Self-Levelling and Smoothing Compounds, Water-Based Levelling and Smoothing Compounds, MICROTEC Fibre Reinforced Cement Based Tile Adhesives. This page provides you with a concise overview of ARDEX products together with technical data sheets, safety data sheets, consumption calculators, training and available downloads. 42 sq. . Self-Leveling Underlayment (35 Bags/Pallet) Model# LQ50-35 (28) $ 1330 09 /pallet. Locations Contact About Careers View Favourites (0) Concrete Calculator Credit Application Catalogues Custom Solutions News & Customer Notifications Feature Products Login Home. For complete product technical information, click on the Downloads tab and open the Technical Data download. cm.) Calculator. EMICODE Thickness: Rapid hardening - walk on after 2 hours. The Ardex Tool Kit contains all of the standard mixing tools and equipment needed for the installation of self-leveling cements. Go to product. Actual jobsite coverage may vary according to such factors as job conditions and application methods. Levelling. Calculator. ARDEX continue to offer unbeatable quality and cost effective solutions for building projects covering all sectors of business and commerce, such as retail outlets, leisure centres, health authorities, transport premises, art and educational institutions. CTS recommends purchasing 10% more material that is projected due to product waste and project size variations. Request Bulk Pricing. Warranty: ARDEX L.P. Standard Limited Warranty applies. This is why we have added the Sugested Number of Bags field. 60 minutes The kit includes the following components: T-10 Black Mixing Barrel - for easy mixing of two bag batches. MNP: 30080. Apply from feather edge up to 35mm thick. . 90 minutes Also eligible for the ARDEX/HENRY SystemOne Warranty when used in conjunction with select HENRY Flooring Adhesives. ARDEX is committed to providing the highest level of technical support, from product training to customised system recommendations. 0800 227 339. Do not allow liquid to freeze. Final Set (ASTM C191): Approx. ARDEX has been at the forefront of the tiling and flooring industries for over 50 years. 1965 Ford Mustang Seat Upholstery For those looking for a stylish replacement for their worn-out upholstery , TMI offers several styles with the choice of . ARDEX is committed to providing the highest level of technical support, from product training to customised system recommendations. IMO FTP Code Part 2 (Smoke and Toxicity Test) and Part 5 (Test for Surface Flammability): Certificate Number 20161101-R38625 ARDEX K 15 is a grey powder consisting of special cements . Grey powder with special cements, high quality synthetic resins, selected fillers and other special additives. ARDEX K 520 is a self-leveling, topping for fast-track resurfacing, smoothing or leveling of indoor concrete and certain non-porous surfaces. ARDEX Engineered Cements 400 Ardex Park Drive Aliquippa, PA 15001 USA Tel: 724-203-5000 Toll Free: 888-512-7339 Fax: 724-203-5001 ARDEX K 15 Premium Self-Leveling Underlayment Use to level and smooth interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems, wood, metal and non-water Latex Liquid 9 months, if unopened ARDEX ENDURA has a datasheet and calculators for all of the flooring products solutions, such as concrete repair, decorative finishes etc. Flow Time: 10 minutes (22.7 kg) bag ARDEX K 15 is an advanced sub-floor smoothing compound. Mixing Ratio: 5 quarts (4.75 L) of water per 50 lb. Learn more. Home Datasheets & Calculators. Information ARDEX K 15 . 0110265. Flow Time: 10 minutes Due to the unique rapid drying properties, ARDEX K 15 can receive floorcoverings in as little as 4 hours. Choose ReactivatableTM - Seeks its own level and provides a durable, flat, smooth floor surface with minimum labor. ft. per bag at 1/4 (1.95 sq. Up to 84 sq. Browse our Ardex products offered at National Concrete Accessories! Project Calculators Installation & Services Specials & Offers Local Ad & Catalog Store Finder; Truck & Tool Rental; For the Pro; Gift Cards . Designed to handle only 10 million people a year, the facility was serving 26 million by 2019, Freshly poured slabs with high RH and a fast-track installation timeframe, Business Interiors averaged 7,000 sq. Coverage: 25 sq. Subscribe to our Newsletter. ft. per hour operating the CUBE at 66% capacity. Use to level and smooth interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems and non-water-soluble adhesive residue on concrete. No mechanical profiling or priming is needed in most applications and no water is required. Shelf Life: Powder 1 year, if unopened Levelers and Toppings. . Grey powder with special cements, high quality synthetic resins, selected fillers and other special additives. It is virtually tension free and is designed to rapidly level and smooth hard sub-floors prior to applying a floor finish. This page provides you with a concise overview of ARDEX products together with technical data sheets, safety data sheets, consumption calculators, training and available downloads. Compressive Strength (ASTM C109/mod Air cure only): 4,500 psi (315 kg/cm2) at 28 days ARDEX K 12 New is designed for experienced commercial contractors to prepare large commercial and retail areas for carpet and vinyl installations. Warranty: ARDEX L.P. Standard Limited Warranty applies. Technical Update ARDEX Underlayments and Non-Porous Substrates. Undertile Levelling Compound. Self-Leveling Underlayment. For complete product technical information, click on the Downloads tab and open the Technical Data download. Once cured, it provides a smooth, level surface on which to install a variety of floor coverings. Fast setting . +91-80-66746500. Shelf Life: 1 year, if unopened Rapid dry technology - Install most flooring in as little as 2 hours*. Receives floorcoverings in as little as 4 hours. Storage: Store in a cool, dry area. ARDEX CL 5 provides a smooth, at and level surface that can be installed from 3mm up to maximum thickness of 10mm in a single application, it is applied at 3~5mm normally. 1300 788 780. This. ARDEX LQ 92. It also calculates mortar, mastic, underlayment and membrane coverage. SystemOne Call. Home Products Latex-Based Self-Levelling & Smoothing Compounds. Unit: 25kg Calculator Consumption Calculator ARDEX CL 3 Select at 28 days ft. per bag at 1/16 (7.8 sq. We look forward to hearing from you, and well be in touch shortly. Refer to the product specific datasheet for thicknesses and yield. ARDEX CL 5 is a special formulated polymerized self-leveling topping for commercial and industrial oor areas. Embankment House provides industrial-chic individual living spaces that are architecturally elevated above a historic railroad embankment. ARDEX K 15 is an advanced, Rapid Drying, Heavy Duty Self-Levelling Smoothing Compound. Compressive Strength (ASTM C109/mod): 3,500 psi (245 kg/sq. Actual jobsite coverage may vary according to such factors as job conditions and application methods. Product Calculators - ARDEX New Zealand. Custom Building Products LevelQuik RS 50 lbs. Technical Update ARDEX Underlayments and Non-Porous Substrates, ACMS Self Leveling Underlayments Specification, ARDEX V1200 Hydraulic Cement Underlayment Specification. ARDEX V 1200 is a blend of Portland cements, other hydraulic cements and polymers that is used to level and smooth interior concrete, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, epoxy coating systems and non-water soluble adhesive residue on concrete prior to the installation of finished flooring on, above or below grade. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Note: Coverage will vary according to method of application, substrate condition, and on site conditions, the above is designed for guidance only. ARDEX K 60 ARDITEX is a blend of Portland cement and other hydraulic cements that is a self-smoothing, trowelable, latex leveling compound with excellent adhesion, flexibility and moisture resistance. Information ARDITEX NA. Click on the box to see a list of patching compound options, (type in the square metreage number only), Click on the box to see a list of screed options, Click on the box to see a list of adhesive options, Click on the box to see a list of construction grout, Click on the box to see a list of repair mortar options, Click on the box to see a list of adhesive/sealant options, Click on the box to see a list of leveller options, Approximate Units Required (round up to the nearest whole number), Click on the box to see a list of joint sealant options, Click on the box to see a list of polyurethane adhesive options, Click on the box to see a list of epoxy repair adhesives, Click on the box to see a list of epoxy adhesive options, Click on the box to see a list of silicone options, Click on the box to see a list of membrane options, Click on the box to see a list of undertile membrane options, Click on the box to see a list of waterproofing options, Click on the box to see a list of membrane/barrier coating options, Click on the box to see a list of polymer additive options, Dont miss out on promotions, new products and all the latest news. ARDEX has been at the forefront of the tiling and flooring industries for over 50 years. Initial Set (ASTM C191): Approx. Questions? 1 gallon (3.8 L) bottle Installs up to 1 1/4 neat. Choose Versatile, No Water. ARDEX Australia has a range of floor levelling compounds suitable for internal and external use. (22.7 kg) bag Just input your dimensions and project specifications and you'll get an estimate of the materials you'll need. ARDEX K 15 is the original and the most specified self-leveler in North America. ARDEX K 60 can be used to smooth interior concrete, wood, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, steel, select epoxy coating systems and non-water-soluble adhesive residue on concrete prior to the installation of finished flooring on-, above- or below-grade. m at 3 mm) Walkable in 2-3 hours. Primers, Crack/Joint Repair and Additives, Engineered Concrete Repair Systems (ECRS), ARDEX Concrete Management Systems (ACMS), Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers, No water required for mixing; simply mix with latex additive, No mechanical profiling required in most cases, Use to level and smooth interior concrete, wood, terrazzo, ceramic and quarry tile, steel, select epoxy coating systems and non-water-soluble adhesive residue on concrete, A blend of Portland cement and other hydraulic cements, No mechanical profiling required (except steel substrates; see below), No priming required (except non-ARDEX epoxy substrates; see below), Trowelable and can smooth floors at 1/8 (3 mm) or less, Suitable for use under ARDEX MC Moisture Control Systems. Coverage may vary based on installation practices and jobsite conditions. MAPEI recommends adding 5% to 10% in . ARDEX K 22 F Yes A 1 1/4" 3 cm 2" 5 cm 2 to 3 72 72 6000 psi (420 kg/cm2) 50 ft2 at 1/8" (4.5 m2 at 3 mm) ARDEX AMERICAS I Self-Leveling Underlayments AMERICAS The chart information represents basic product recommendations.
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